Touchdown! Greaser!
No, my alter ego (the other Lance F) is correct IMO. We're talking about leaning one cylinder till it peaks and then a bit further. If that one cylinder isn't the richest (last to peak) some of the other cylinders will be richer and they may be just enough rich of peak to overheat. In this situation the notion of "leaned too far" is ambiguous. The problem cylinders are too close to peak and worst case are too close to peak on the rich side. While that is certainly "leaned too far" from a ROP persective, it's "not leaned enough" from the LOP way of thinking.Ron Levy said:Ummm....I think the last part is what I was saying -- the instrumented cylinder (falsely) says you're OK while the non-instrumented cylinder is toasting itself because it's been leaned too far. In the case where "the instrumented cylinder goes LOP first and non-instrumented remain on the rich side," all you do is use more gas than you have to.
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