OP, what if MIT comes out with another research paper saying Covid-19 deaths are highly correlated to obesity and other preventable chronic health conditions?
It will seem so obvious in hindsight.
Who then goes before a war crimes tribunal for stupidity?
I'm not a Cuomo supporter and know almost nothing about him, but your last sentence irks me. Hindsight is wonderful, isn't it?
Unless you've ridden the subway during rush hour, there's really nothing that can explain how tightly people are packed in. Many times I was able to feel the heartbeat of the person pressed against me. There are handholds along the sides of the car, but you really don't need them because there's no way you could fall except straight down.
This picture was taken a few days ago:
The stations aren't much better. This is a picture from August 10, 2019:
It didn't take a hell of a lot of foresight nor hindsight to know that thousands would die if they didn't shut down the system during a pandemic.
To make matters worse, the NYC Subway is only one piece of a huge, interconnected mass transit infrastructure that include the Long Island Railroad, the Metro North Railroad, the Staten Island Rapid Transit system, the Port Authority Trans Hudson (PATH) commuter trains, New Jersey Transit and all its bus and light rail connections in New Jersey, Amtrak, hundreds of local and long-distance buses, several ferries, JFK by way of AirTrain, and LGA and EWR by way of express buses.
When the first patient was diagnosed in New Rochelle, literally everyone I know just assumed that the MTA would immediately stop accepting passengers. New Rochelle has a Metro North station that connects with the New York City subway. It was just a given that it would be shut down. It would have been unconscionable not to.
But he didn't. Instead, Cuomo and NYC Mayor de Bozo assured citizens that the subways would be kept running "at all costs." That cost turned out to include human lives. As of this morning, 6,000 MTA workers had contracted COVID-19, and 68 had died.
Hindsight, huh? You look at those pictures and tell me that anyone who would let that go on during a pandemic of a deadly virus isn't guilty of manslaughter.
Yet they had the balls to harass a handful of Orthodox Jews for conducting a burial, and they cancel doctor's appointments and therapy groups for the mentally ill. They go to extremes on one end, but pack people into Petri dishes on the other.
I've never liked politicians. I always held out that maybe five percent of them were decent human beings, but that the rest were dirtbags. I didn't care, though. If they wanted to take bribes, sell their influence, or **** their interns, that was no business of mine. But when they start killing people, I draw the line.