Minor In Consumption of alcohol help

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You can jump categories. IE private airplane to commercial helicopter without ever holding a private helicopter rating.
Correct, but after that, you'll need to take another checkride at the Commercial level to have Commercial privileges in airplanes, too. Either way, you do have to hold a PP to get your initial CP, and if you had your tickets revoked, that means re-earning your PP before you get your CP, and that means taking at least one PP written before you go for the CP practical test.
Ron- Incident did indeed occur long after I had gotten my medical.
Then you will have to report it on your next medical, and at that point, the FAA is going to put you through the wringer. Bruce is the person to tell you how to prepare for that before you start filling out that medical application. Just be aware that there will be costs, both mental and financial, involved -- actions are not without consequences, even if we didn't realize that at the time the action occurred.
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With a commercil FW you don't even need a written, 50hrs and a check ride.
True, but to have a Commercial-RH after you had your certificates revoked, you will have to have taken at least two writtens (either Private-Airplane or Private-Rotorcraft, and Commercial-Rotorcraft), and probably three (also Instrument-Airplane or Helicopter).
I would suggest, even though you're using the anon feature, that you not post details here (or anywhere else).

Just a word to the wise.

Any questions as to "why" are best answered by a lawyer who specializes in regulatory law and the ability of investigators to obtain records and identify folks.
Then you will have to report it on your next medical, and at that point, the FAA is going to put you through the wringer. Bruce is the person to tell you how to prepare for that before you start filling out that medical application. Just be aware that there will be costs, both mental and financial, involved -- actions are not without consequences, even if we didn't realize that at the time the action occurred.

I'm not the OP>>>>different unregistered.

A minor in possession of alcohol could cause a big deal? This seems odd to me. I would think he would just report it and that would be the end of it. I wouldn't think he would be put through the wringer, maybe just provide court paperwork?
I'm not the OP>>>>different unregistered.

A minor in possession of alcohol could cause a big deal? This seems odd to me. I would think he would just report it and that would be the end of it. I wouldn't think he would be put through the wringer, maybe just provide court paperwork?
Bruce is the right person to answer your question accurately and credibly, not me.
Dated from 2007 located at http://fsims.faa.gov/PICDetail.aspx?docId=0BD4C6F3C8AAB2E08525734F0076664E

I don't know how much, if any, has changed since then.

5) The following changes were made to the form regarding alcohol-related offenses.

a) Section I, block U of FAA Form 8710‑1, omits reference to motor vehicle operations involving alcohol-related offenses. However, in the instructions for completing the form, the reference to alcohol was inadvertently left in. The reference to alcohol will be deleted from the instructions in future editions and should be disregarded in the interim.

b) Although motor vehicle operations involving alcohol-related offenses were purposely removed from block U on FAA Form 8710‑1, an applicant’s compliance with part 61, § 61.15 must still be determined. This should be adequately ensured by the medical examiner through the issuance of the airman’s medical and/or information to be reported by the airman and available to the FAA through the National Driver Registry.
Dated from 2007 located at http://fsims.faa.gov/PICDetail.aspx?docId=0BD4C6F3C8AAB2E08525734F0076664E

I don't know how much, if any, has changed since then.
The current version of the instructions for the 8710-1 do NOT have the reference to alcohol. I have an old one in my file that does.

I do recall when Mitch Garber at NTSB was first leading the discussions as to how to setup the new policy on alcohol- the operations guys said they didn't want to police it at the checkride. The wanted and got, 61.15.

On that basis IMO, I think you're okay answering "no".
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It has been four years since this posting. Was yes or no selected? If the case was suppressed does this change any outcome? I am aware of a similar college experience with alcohol and marijuana involved. They went through the probation office and did what ever was required and the case was "suppressed". Any advise?
Another reason to follow Dr Bruce's advice - should you ever wish for a Federal job or job with a Federal contractor that may or may not require a security clearance (DOD, DOT, DHS, etc) the FAA form will be part of the background investigation.
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