Mighta had a little tailwind!


Mar 8, 2015
North TX
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I know the 210 is fast-ish, but this is moving along

Wish i had pics of my last flight in the debonair.. We had been seeing ground speeds in the 190kt range, and when we started our descent we hit 201kts.. I was hella stoked.. fastest i've been in a plane that doesn't say Southwest on the side
Tailwinds are nice, but far too infrequent.

My 180 hp gets me about 148 KTAS, and my level cruise ground speeds range from 186 knots down to 68 knots . . .
I hit 200kts in a Da20 one time. I was super excited. I climbed up to 11500 to get the good tailwinds and hit 200 on my descent. It was a short return flight and I had to have a pretty good descent rate to avoid completely flying by my destination.
Headwinds today, me no likey
Did 208 in my beech travel air after my check out,tail wind of 54 kts.
I did 230 KTAS almost straight down until I felt the control surfaces flutter, then leveled off.

(Joking, of course. :D It is fun to descend at 1500 fpm, but I'm always monitoring TAS and staying well under Vne)
Flight back is gonna suck!

I flew to Charleston and had a 105kt tailwind. Doing 300 over the ground was awesome. Coming back was a 70kt headwind.
180 true, 224 over the ground
Between the FD, FPM, HitS, CDI and inset magenta line, are you sure you're on course? :)

I know Tantalum and he's not one to foolishly rely on so little guidance... I'm sure he had his iPad running another magenta line on Foreflight!
Just did this my Bonanza going to Ohio. Coming back, we did the trip at about 110 kts.

The 206 was level cruise and the 231 was at the start of descent. Best in a piston.


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I was coming back from Cinncinati a few years back and I was showing 180 knots ground speed in the climb up to 17,000 (not turbo charged). When I leveled out I was reading 260 knots. This kept up until I crossed the front and now I'm up at 17000 and need to get down to 300' to land without hitting Vne or overrunning the destination.
I'm gonna have to get an O2 setup and take her up to 17,999 msl just once to get a decent push! Best so far was a GS of about 190 kts with a 30 kt tailwind at 11,500'.
That cruise speed give me about 13 gph fuel burn. I wish I had turbos, would love to know what it could do with them at altitude.