Mem day trips?


Final Approach
May 3, 2011
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Anybody else taking off for the upcoming long weekend? We're headed off to 3W2 if the weather's nice.
3w2 on a holiday weekend?

That's better than mardi gras!

Well, ok, maybe not better but just as good.
Well, I won't be going to Iceland, London or Scotland, that's for sure... :yikes:
Some Colorado folks in another thread are chatting up Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

I haven't decided anything yet. The back yard/weeds could use some work. Sigh.
Some Colorado folks in another thread are chatting up Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

I haven't decided anything yet. The back yard/weeds could use some work. Sigh.

Hint: Kill the weeds, lay down indoor/outdoor carpet over most of the yard. I keep one patch for the dog but he seems to like the carpet better for some wierd reason.
I've been thinking rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. And a crew to put them back there, 'cause a dump truck can't get in the back. ;)

Starting to think that a back lawn is relatively useless when we're at the airport every weekend. :D

And there isn't enough time in the day to grow vegetables in the whole plot.

Phoenix style rocks are calling... And they don't have to be watered either.
we'll be heading to Ulysses, KS for a long weekend of soaring
I've thought about flying somewhere. But as of this evening I need to dump mucho money into a new HVAC system....
Should be fun, why don't you join us Tim? Condo will accept another couple...

I'd love to but, unfortunately, it's not in the cards. I have way too much to do, as usual and, if I can sneak away for a day or so, then I'll probably go to Joplin and see what I can do to help.

I'm sure they'll still need plenty of help. That hits close to home. The Springfield, Branson, Harrison, Joplin area was my neck of the woods for almost 30 years.
Veteran's Airlift flight from Manhattan, KS to Denver. Still haven't decided if it's outbound on Sunday evening and back early Monday morning or just do the whole trip on Monday. The Monday thing would require a very early departure to beat the afternoon thunderboomers. Prolly want a right seater for that one. Any volunteers? (Also polling local time builders, errr, CFI's & II's to see if any of them want to ride along).
I'm still grounded for Memorial Day. My plane is ready to be picked up, but the weather has been too crappy the last 4 days to do it. Next chance will be Tuesday.