In the last few months I've logged 27 hours toward my SP Cert- paid for and passed my written, on track for my check ride and am actively looking for an LSA airplane to buy. Took a while but I made it back.
Did it all with the full OK of my long time Doc (a pilot); and on my valid, current and unrestricted DL. I held a Class 3 Med that went dormant with my first student certificate in 1984. My local FSDO had no problem with issuing me a new and current Student Certificate Sport pilot certificate, instructors had no problem with accepting and endorsing me on it; you know, like following the Sport Pilot/ LSA rules to the nut and
getting it done
All good, right?
Even though I just started working at certifying SP, I've been an active AOPA and EAA member since 1979 keeping my head in proper attitude. I've been involved with the push for this PBRO since the get go- what, 3 or 4 yrs ago, writing letters, phone calls the whole deal. Sounded like a great way to go mostly since I don't know any pilots that are stupid. Wasn't crazy about the idea of 18,00 ft, IFR and 6 passengers without a medical, but I figured that was a bargaining chip thrown in.
Then, here on this last big and thankfully dead "Call To Action!!!" I read this about a 10yr limit on last Class 3 medical review. Hang on here, where'd that come from?
Here's the deal: I don't want to even take an outside chance on losing my privilege and I don't (read won't) spend the price or go thru the hassle of having to get SI's. - It's as much on principal as anything else- I followed all the rules to be legal in the left seat.
I'm at the place now where I'm feeling semi-hosed and I have no idea who is holding the nozzle;- should I finish up before this is maybe passed and hope for an exemption rule (sure) or cut my losses and just stop putting money into the GA community that I was fully hoping to support as much as possible for the rest of my days.
I just want to fly; make up your minds.