Provocative is in the eye of the beholder, and is still no excuse for sexual harassment of any kind. If you don't like what the lady's wearing look the other way. We live in a free country, and that freedom includes what a woman decides to wear. If you really don't want to see that kind of thing move to Iran.
Do you think a woman can make as good an executive as a man? As good a scientist? As good a doctor?
Women have moved en masse into all these fields, and yet their treatment is only slightly north of deplorable. The surprising one was in science, where female scientists are routinely given poorer lab space, fewer resources and less promotion. That was truly an eye opener, since scientists are highly educated and supposedly immune to this sort of thing. Not only is that not true, but I've read that upwards of one in five female scientists have been sexually harassed on the job by their male colleagues. Makes me sick.
Like I said, if you really think women are treated the same way as men you need to get out more.
To your first paragraph: "We live in a free country so freedom includes what a woman decides to wear." Yes and you do realize the concept of "freedom" is a made up human idea, right? In reality we are biological organisms who signal non-verbally to each other. Our freedom to wear what we want doesn't negate the consequences of our clothing choices.
To the fishing bait comparison, if you use the best bait so you can catch the best fish, and then must throw back all the bad ones, don't blame the fish for doing what comes naturally and going for the bait. I'm not saying rape is okay just because you're dressing like a slut. But whistles, cat calls and requests for dates should not be a reason to ruin a man's career if you dress like a slut and act like a flirt, and that is where we are heading with today's insane dichotomy between flagrant female sexual display and Victorian expectation of male restraint. That's what makes
me sick.
As to me needing to get out more because I don't see how women are mistreated in the work place, do you realize I am a woman? I went into the field of mechanical engineering. I worked full time in this field for many years and I "got out" a whole lot, in corporate headquarters and in the field. (That would be the real world to you academic types.) Here is what I found: women who were stupid, incompetent, unmotivated and unproductive were indeed treated worse, given fewer resources, not promoted and so on, just like males who were like that. The women who were competent, productive, etc., were treated as well or better than their male counterparts.
There was no having to be twice as good as a man to get equal treatment. That's a made up lie. If that were true then simple market forces would have women being sought after and paid more. This simply doesn't happen. Why? Because women still are less productive on average than men. This entirely explains the wage and promotion gap. But a woman who is equally productive as a man gets equal treatment. That was my personal experience out in the real world.
Maybe in universities they discriminate against women, because universities have become liberal strongholds and liberals do tend to be hypocrites and practice the very crimes of which they accuse others.
I have never seen a stupid, lazy female correctly blame her own laziness and stupidity for her lack of promotions in her career. They always blame sexism. The feminists and the liberals have transformed this narrative into one of their political tools. And
that is what you are falling for.
Easy on the white-knighting there fella. I love it, a man telling a woman that she doesn’t understand the plight of women. How condescending is that?
I wasn't even sure I was going to spend time responding to that. I'm 61 years old and have had a lifetime "getting out" in men's worlds. I've seen it from every angle. I know all the games. At least out in the real world. I don't know what kind of playpen he is in, like I said, maybe in his liberal world they do actually practice flagrant sexism. Perhaps where your funding is based on politics and grants, not market forces, they can indulge their prejudices.
They are being caught in their own twisted narrative but few are discerning enough to see it for what it is. It’s a very good point that almost no one is making. Will you share your thoughts on why you think they are refuting their own case?
I forget which one you're asking about... oh yeah women are so strong these days they are told from babyhood they can be physical superheroes and do anything they want and at the same time they are so fragile they must be protected from the slightest suggestion of male ardor because they are too weak to verbally or physically smack aside an unwanted advance. Explain that? Obviously it's just brainwashing from the constant anti-male drumbeat we've been subjected to since the 70s.
But the narrative that women must not be expected to fend off advances by themselves, I think that comes from the general collectivist notion that we need an Overlord at all times to provide for, protect and punish us. It fits with the liberal idea of taking away our guns, of government giving us all free food, shelter, healthcare, cell phones, college education, etc. Now the government is supposed to protect women from non-existent workplace discrimination (except apparently in the liberal bastions of universities if steingar is to be believed) and normal male biological behavior.
I think it's probably, when you get right down to the meat of the matter, just another example of not knowing when to stop moving the risk reduction bar. We have insanity going off the chart at the point where risk tries to approach zero. We see that everywhere these days and that's what's happening here too.