Man Airdrops Sandwich For Friend

500' foot rule is waived if taking off or landing, I believe.

(don't quote me on this, I don't have time to look it up)
AH HA! He was gonna land and give him that sandwich. (It was private property dammit and that state and county didn't have no damn rules saying he couldn't do it.) So there was like a cow that wandered in front of him and he had to go around so he just chucked the sandwich out the window. Good thing it didn't hit the cow and it freaked out it out and it stampeded and trampled his friend to death.
Isn't this only an issue if the pilot ate part of the sandwich?
Finally the most important questioned gets asked....:yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:

I mean the entire outcome of the violation rest with this question....

But if there was no charge for delivery paid to the pilot, does who paid for the sandwich even matter?
those port-o-potties
Does United just change those out between flights? :smilewinkgrin:

it is close to the same color scheme..
But if there was no charge for delivery paid to the pilot, does who paid for the sandwich even matter?

You're surely right about that.

But I'm just curious, if you did want to pay for delivery of your sandwich by air, what would be a fair price?
I'm thinking the same thing...they will go after him in a heartbeat
There is an article on AOPA today about people recording their adventures and posting it everywhere and FAA using them to send friendly notes to the pilot. Makes me rethink recording device in the cockpit and sharing it to the gen pop

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I think a letter to the Chief Counsel is in order.
But if there was no charge for delivery paid to the pilot, does who paid for the sandwich even matter?
As long as the pilot doesn't own the franchise of subway, he is not delivering property or doing business runs, he is fine. May be he was coming back from his 1500 nm solo xc .

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There is an article on AOPA today about people recording their adventures and posting it everywhere and FAA using them to send friendly notes to the pilot. Makes me rethink recording device in the cockpit and sharing it to the gen pop

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Bunch of sour pusses over there at the FAA.
There is an article on AOPA today about people recording their adventures and posting it everywhere and FAA using them to send friendly notes to the pilot. Makes me rethink recording device in the cockpit and sharing it to the gen pop

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

This was my thinking years ago before GoPro and things like that when I stopped letting people record on my flights. Of course that was in Alaska when 1/2 mile vis was considered doable for VFR.
No fries, waste of time....

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after what just happened to you, fries are off your personal menu. :)

I think we should start a new contest.
You need to drop an entire meal, including beer, and it has to be edible and the beer not explode in your face.
Let's think of additional rules.

I see a rented bouncy castle in someone's future.

There is an article on AOPA today about people recording their adventures and posting it everywhere and FAA using them to send friendly notes to the pilot. Makes me rethink recording device in the cockpit and sharing it to the gen pop

Never post anything you don't want everyone to see. It's not the video taking that's so bad, it's the "sharing".
Man, I knew someone would catch that....:lol::lol::lol:

Just want to see ya make it to rehab and hang around a while longer, man. I've had enough damn deaths and terminal cancer diagnoses news for a few days. We're up to two deaths and two terminal cancer diagnosis announcements in our friends and family for Labor Day 2017 as of last night.

Sounds dark, I know, but I was kinda glad to read your post that someone survived this apocalyptic holiday weekend around here. Seriously.

We're at or past the "enough!" stage in our household at the moment. I think if we get one more bad news phone call we'll both look at each other over the top of our glasses just say, "Really? YGTBSM..."

Go get healed up and take care of yourself.

And FryNazi says: No fries for you! :) :) :)
Just want to see ya make it to rehab and hang around a while longer, man. I've had enough damn deaths and terminal cancer diagnoses news for a few days. We're up to two deaths and two terminal cancer diagnosis announcements in our friends and family for Labor Day 2017 as of last night.

Sounds dark, I know, but I was kinda glad to read your post that someone survived this apocalyptic holiday weekend around here. Seriously.

We're at or past the "enough!" stage in our household at the moment. I think if we get one more bad news phone call we'll both look at each other over the top of our glasses just say, "Really? YGTBSM..."

Go get healed up and take care of yourself.

And FryNazi says: No fries for you! :) :) :)

Actually I understand. My mom is the absolute last one of her generation in the family. All of her family is gone, all of my dads family is gone. She is the last one of the family that went through the depression and WWII. For a while there it seems like every other day she would call and tell me who passed away in the last few days. I understand what you are going through.

And it doesn't sound dark to me. I was happy to find out I survived too..!!!!