Mac question

George Johnson

Filing Flight Plan
Oct 17, 2018
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I am thinking of switching to a Mac, does Jeppesen and Garmin updates work the same as a PC?
I have a Mac and Garmin instruments. I do all my map updates on the Mac. Only thing to be careful of is not to format the SD cards in native Mac format, but FAT 32. Other than that, there's a FlyGarmin version for Mac. Can't speak to Jepp
I have a Mac and Garmin instruments. I do all my map updates on the Mac. Only thing to be careful of is not to format the SD cards in native Mac format, but FAT 32. Other than that, there's a FlyGarmin version for Mac. Can't speak to Jepp

Many thanks,
Hope someone will verify the Jeppesen up date.
I plug SD cards into my MacBook to update my G3X Touch regularly with no special effort.
Install Windows for Mac. Better yet, install Parallels, too. Run Mac and Windows at the same time. And see and use your desktop from your mobile. Easy peasey.
FWIW, I'm typing this reply from my MacBook Pro in Windows 7 while running simultaneously with my Mac operating system, whatever they call it today. Snow Leopard, Spotted Owl, Barking Frog.... I don't even try to remember, I just do the updates. :)

Edit.... and with a swipe on the touch pad I'm editing in Mac from the same machine. If you have programs that are Windows specific the Mac can usually run them just fine. In the case of my Windows-only professional software my MacBook runs it as well as my newer high-zoot Dell computer does. Don't fear being shut out of Windows by buying a Mac.

Edit #2. This time I'm typing on my iPad remotely using Windows running through my MacBook in Parallels. I can use my Mac in Mac OS or Windows remotely from my iPad or iPhone including full access to things like my Cessna service manual and parts manuals that reside on my Mac desktop. Gotta love technology.

FWIW, I can also access my work Windows machine remotely. That part of Parallels isn't limited to Macs.
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It very much matters WHICH device you are talking about. The MAC version of the updater will not support the GNS480 or the MX20/GMCX200. Jeppesen has absolutely abhorrent software and software engineering practices. It barely functions (it failed on Windows 10 when I upgraded as well)
I too run Windows through bootcamp. Use the mac side for everything and use the windows pretty much exclusively for GPS updates. My macbook is almost 10 years old and still runs better than most brand new PC.
I actually have Parallels on my mac and it runs well enough to update the 480/20 cards.
I use Oracle Virtual Box VM (Win 7, Win 10 installed) on my Macbook when I absolutely have to have a Windows environment directly in front of me.