Consistent in saying you are worth more than you actually are? Yes. You have been consistent. As the saying goes, put up, or shut up. If you really think you are worth 9 or 10 figures, insure yourself for 9 or 10 figures. Anything less has you falling off the fence into the field of hypocrisy.
Look, I see the world differently than you. This isn't about putting up or shutting up or lack of consistency. Its the fact that I see the one life we have as being the most valuable thing in the world that money can't replace.
I don't care how rich or poor you are, what country you live in or any of that. We're all human beings and I respect people for that simple fact.
In the US of A we have a legal system where people can abuse it or they can use it. The inverse is true, we have a system where corporations can use it or they can abuse it.
I think its a terrible abuse of a civilized country to put a monetary cap on the value of a human life, regardless of what you think, regardless of how you quantify it yourself, it is **MY BELIEF**.
I do not IMPOSE this on you. I'm not trying to CONVINCE YOU its a superior belief, but it is one I cherish close to my heart.
When it comes to this case, we're all armchair quarterbacks, how it escalated to 28 million, we simply don't know.
You're playing on the advocate of the Lycoming, I can appreciate that, and I don't dispute that.
I'm playing on the advocate of the legal system.
Neither of us is 100% right.. Lycoming nor the legal system aren't 100% right.. its pointless to bicker about that.
But I will stand by my statements I've been making all along that I think it would be a huge disservice to living, breathing human beings to put a fixed monetary value upon ones life when it comes to seeking punitive damages for either CIVIL or CRIMINAL cases.
If we have a true free market system and if we value our peers and our laws, then the markets will recover and freedom will prevail.
Anything else and we just shoot ourselves in the foot.
my 2 cents.. i'm done.
Hate me all you want.
Loser pays sure, making it tougher for frivolous lawsuits, amen, change tort reform or set precedence on liability, sure.. lets do it.
putting a $$ value on human life in the interest of preserving industry seems like the worst possible solution.