John Collins
I think when you revert from LPV to LNAV due to losing WAAS, you might need to use a different approach procedure altogether, since the missed approach or other parameters may be different (MAP, step downs?), so it's not just the minimums that may change, and it's not like ILS simply reverting to LOC on GS loss.
You should be able to use the same approach as an LNAV. IOW if the approach has LPV and LNAV, and the downgrade is required, the LNAV procedure on the same approach is followed and the same missed approach procedure is flown if needed. If the LPV does not have an LNAV option on the same chart, then the approach will be charted as Alternate Not Authorized with the black A symbol with the white A followed by NA.
I believe the reason for the 800-2 verses 600-2 has to do with the lateral guidance when there isn't a GS available. In the case of an ILS, it is still the localizer. In the case of the LPV, the localizer performance for lateral guidance is also downgraded to LNAV guidance and integrity, IOW the backup is more like a VOR than a localizer.
In any case, alternate minimums higher than the standard values will be used anytime the LNAV MDA or Localizer MDA is higher. Alternate minimums are based on worst case where the approach may still be flown. With an ILS, the only mandatory capability is that the localizer procedure may still be flown. With the LPV, the only mandatory capability is that the LNAV procedure may be flown.
There are two general kinds of system failures that the LPV will require a downgrade:
1) WAAS is available, but the integrity at the time of the approach does not support the LPV. Because of geometry, usually the vertical will fail before the lateral. For a DH of 200, VPL must be <35 meters and HPL must be <40 meters. The downgrade to LNAV only tests for HPL and it must be <556 meters.
2) WAAS is unavailable. This is extremely rare but happened once since the system was put on line for about a four hour period when a WAAS software update went bad. In this case, the default is to RAIM and standard GPS service applies. The RAIM must also be <556 meters (0.3 NM).