Cleared for Takeoff
Yea, I like to know the area if < 1500' (actually 2000') AGL. I've had a couple of cases where I'm looking for a landmark (e.g. water tower) to help me locate my final destination - and YEOW - THATS A BIG TOWER!.
One North of Tulsa OK got my attention once. Then there are the "cluster" of towers on a hill west of Little Rock (Once had a controller say "turn right 090" or something like that - looked over and said "unable"! We have great controllers so we worked it out pretty quickly.)
But yea, get down there - it's purdy in the fall!!
One North of Tulsa OK got my attention once. Then there are the "cluster" of towers on a hill west of Little Rock (Once had a controller say "turn right 090" or something like that - looked over and said "unable"! We have great controllers so we worked it out pretty quickly.)
But yea, get down there - it's purdy in the fall!!