From a Part 91 operational standpoint, that is true. From a PP practical test standpoint, it isn't -- unless you have a photographic memory, you are going to need a backup to your EFB on that ride, although that backup need not be paper.
Again, not true. I did my checkride with the navlog generated by iFlightPlanner printed out. And brought a laptop with everything else, including a pdf of the FAR/AIM and other docs I created to do quick lookup in case I came up short on an answer.
The generated navlog not only computes fuel burn between waypoints, it also does it based on wind, ramp, taxi, takeoff and weight. The tool includes a W&B page that is so easy to use, plugging in baggage and person weight for each flight is actually done, instead of guessing as most guys do who don't bother because they are doing them by hand.
The navlog iFlightPlanner makes is clear, complete and sophisticated and takes seconds to make based on building the route using a virtual sectional. There is no way to make such a navlog by hand that has any use, not if you want the most efficient route based on weather, mountains, winds and fuel stops.
And the other powerful feature is automatic filing via DUATS, an online weather briefing including FA, FD, winds aloft, sigmets, airmets and NOTAMS in realtime. And storing any plan made as a favorite for future reuse, reverse planning, and modification to create a new plan. No redoing plans by hand either.
The DPE would not tell me the xcountry destination until the night before the checkride. He did that because he said he didn't want students consulting with their CFI to get the plan done. The dirty secret? My tool let me create that plan in five minutes. And it let me run it the morning of the checkride which let me get all the weather products too. No fuss, no muss.
The DPE was fascinated by my tools, btw. I was even able to quickly calc a DA question he had based on the data in the aircraft POH, all of which was on the laptop. The E6B was also a virtual one. Though during my training I did buy an electronic handheld E6B (to take to the written since laptops are banned) but I didn't bring it to the checkride or need it.