You aren't really at the same % power at a constant MP and RPM if you change the mixture. See the chart posted above.
If you are ROP(for purposes of this discussion lets call that +75* of peak EGT) then you can use the power charts in the POH and get a good approximation of % power. When lop(and normally aspirated), multiply fuel flow by 14.9 to get HP and divide that by rated to get % power. For example the POH on the 310 calls 2500 RPM and 23" MAP at 5000 ft on a standard day 70.9% power or approximately 203 HP per side. It calls for a fuel flow of around 30 GPH to do this. Empirically I know this is going to put me around 75* ROP and CHT's will be...high. However, I can push the throttles up, pull mixture back to 26.2 GPH total and get the same 203 HP per side and have CHT's that will be 360 or below. IIRC, this would put me at about 20-30 LOP assuming I'm WOT.
In other words, I could set my MP and RPM per the POH and voila I'm at 75% power. However, because I've got the plane dialed in I can pull the mixture back until the engines are 100* LOP. One will give me 195 KTAS and the other will give me 165 KTAS. What is my % power? Go by the POH when ROP and multiply by fuel flow when LOP. Now, what happens when I bring the throttles back a bit and leave everything else alone?