Like many of us I've finally decided to actively search for my first plane. I learned to fly at sea level but have since moved to Denver, Colorado, field elevation 5885ft. As much as I can afford a good used C-152... it's just not a practical bird for the high density altitude I deal with on hot dry summer days. I'd love a 180hp C-172.. but S/SP models are just out of my price range.. So.. here is my quandary.. I'm looking for suggestions on both aircraft to look at and stay away from... and where to look. My mission parameters are below.
Able to carry two souls plus an over night bag.. say full fuel and 450lbs
Service ceiling of at least 13,500ft... preferably higher.
Endurance of 5hrs
Under $35,000... so a new Cirrus SR22 or Cessna TTX are out of the question
Able to carry two souls plus an over night bag.. say full fuel and 450lbs
Service ceiling of at least 13,500ft... preferably higher.
Endurance of 5hrs
Under $35,000... so a new Cirrus SR22 or Cessna TTX are out of the question