Looking for advice- Military exploring PPL

My first operational unit O-6 commander bragged that it ‘only’ took him 3 DUIs to make it to O-6. Seems his year group was averaging 1 DUI per pay grade on the way up.

At one of my first bases, we had a group commander that ops would not allow him to fly without an IP in the back seat, because he typically flew hammered. It wasn’t uncommon to see the guy in his staff car on the flight line wandering all over the place.

At another, an O-5s wife had either crashed or passed out on the road in her car 4 times during the 2 years I was stationed there; no idea how many before or after.

There are fewer repeat DUIs in the military now because they started cracking down on them hard. An enlisted person with a DUI rarely gets approved for reenlistment. With 2 or more alcohol related incidents, they usually don’t even finish their enlistment. Officers fair a little better, as always, but not much. I’ll take the new mil over the old mil any day.
Wimauma has a couple of independent CFIs. Maybe 10 minutes south of Riverview.
Ima gonna have to check them out. What's the best way to go about it? Show up and walk around the airport?
All Ranks Clubs are the norm now, driven by multiple forces:
- Evolution of the force from draft to professional
- Less cultural separation between officers and enlisted
- More and better civilian alternatives off base

Fort Bragg and Benning are good examples. 40 years ago, Hay Street in Fayetteville was legendary for mayhem and debauchery. Now it's all high-end foodie cafes. And young troops and their families are there.

The Infantry Bar at the Ft Benning O-Club was likewise wild. I am old enough to remember strippers there during happy hour, and having MPs called was not unusual. In the 70's, drinking during lunch was allowed.

It's tempting to see those as good old days, but they were not. The services hid a lot of dysfunctional people. Today&s military is far more effective and professional.
The Infantry Bar had metal furniture and concrete floors, which I quickly realized were for a reason. I would visit on occasion but got tired of dodging flying beer bottles, ca. 1974. Post-Vietnam every O Club I visited had varying levels of debauchery but Benning excelled at mayhem. Ed is right about professionalism. At Hood we even had sabotage on the flight lines. I remember pulling deliberate FOD material out of an engine intake on preflight. Drugs were rampant and there were firefights in the barracks, too. It took several years to clean out the ranks. Glad those days are over for everybody's sake.
Bob Hoover talks about the carousing that went on in WWII in his book. Yeah, just like Korea and Vietnam they got lit on occasion but they never let it affect readiness. Allowing alcohol in a war zone doesn't turn the place into chaos. It was nothing more than a “release” in their down time.

And today’s “professional”military has just as many disciplinary problems as 50 years ago, if not worse.

Hello all,

I am currently AD serving military member located in Riverview and I'm trying to figure out the most cost efficient means of obtaining my PPL.

I understand some schools have partnerships with a couple online schools with BS programs that would allow me to use GI Bill, however, I already have my Bachelor's and would prefer to not initiate GI funding just for a few classes and potentially lose the remaining funding later on.

The other issue I have is my current work schedule. I work 12 hr shifts and I work mids (1700-0500). Is this untenable in pursuing a PPL?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Coast Guard ESO here. You can only use your GI Bill at a Part 141 school now. You likely won't be able to attend a 141 school and serve on active duty at the same time...but SOME 141 schools offer irregular class schedules. However, one thing you DO have available to you is the COOL program. You can get your ground school (if you choose to use a course like Sporty's) and your exam fees covered which isn't much, but it helps. The biggest hindrance with COOL is you have to request the funding in advance and it must be APPROVED before you can purchase anything. Even though it's a reimbursement program, if the date of the purchase occurs prior to the approval date you won't get funding. Speak with your command ESO for details.

I specifically started an account so I can offer that to you and as such I'm not allowed to put links in my posts yet. Do a google search for AF COOL. Should be the first result that pops up. As long as your chain of command isn't a bunch of jerks, you should get approval.

Also, given that you're AF there's a ton of folks who fly for leisure. I'm sure if you ask around the hangar you'll find someone carrying a CFI...and if you're REALLY lucky they'll have a plane stored at the MWR hangar that almost every AFB has.

I started my training back in my Navy days in 2001. I basically flew 3 times a week, about an hour each time and plugged away at it. Could have got it done in a year like that if I had stuck with it. I kept getting discouraged and distracted and ran out of time and money. Over 20 years later, I finished up. It's worth it. Best of luck!