Looking for a car


Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2021
Orange County, CA
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My car was totalled and I placed a new order with delivery expected in about nine months. First accident in over 40 years and I was not at fault (thank God for the dash cam...)

Rentals are pretty expensive so if anyone has an extra car laying around I'm happy to pay you and keep the battery charged. It will be garaged.

I'm in the Fullerton / KFUL area.

Please PM me. Thank you,

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Perhaps pickup a used car for ~ $6k? There should be a few to pick from. Sell it when you finally get your new vehicle.
My car was totalled
Oh no! Was it the Rivian?
Oh no! Was it the Rivian?
Yep. So sad, I waited almost four years had it less than 5 months. Have another on order and keeping an eye out for the right used one...
OUCH! So sorry to hear. I don't suppose you'd be interested in a 2021 Tesla Model 3? I'm thinking pretty seriously about buying a model S, so I'd need to sell the 3.
Uggh. You might want to see if you can pick up someone's lease that they're trying to get out of.
Sorry for your loss, and happy to learn no injuries.

Curious and trying to learn, I understand that when a EV is involved in a crash, the electrical system automatically shuts off.

I have driven worse looking ICE cars home after a wreck, is it the electrical system auto shut off that makes this ''totaled''.??
I'm thinking pretty seriously about buying a model S, so I'd need to sell the 3.
Let me guess, this was triggered by the Model 3 refresh and the Model S price cut announced in the same week?
Let me guess, this was triggered by the Model 3 refresh and the Model S price cut announced in the same week?
Sorry to hear about the Rivian. New Model 3 coming out.

I have driven worse looking ICE cars home after a wreck, is it the electrical system auto shut off that makes this ''totaled''.??

I'm with you on this as it looks bad but I don't see a totaled ICE truck there. But I'm completely in the dark about these 'lectric vehicles & what a killed one looks like ...
I'm with you on this as it looks bad but I don't see a totaled ICE truck there. But I'm completely in the dark about these 'lectric vehicles & what a killed one looks like ...
Bear in mind that the definition of "total loss" is economic and not physical. If the replacement parts are unobtainable for reasonable amounts of money then it is cheaper for the insurance company to simply salvage the vehicle. Doing so also inserts the undamaged parts into the supply chain for future accident repairs, which could be beneficial for the insurance company.
Curious and trying to learn, I understand that when a EV is involved in a crash, the electrical system automatically shuts off.
The high-voltage (HV) battery is isolated. The low-voltage (LV) battery is not and will continue to power the car's systems, but not the motors, for some time. The LV battery can be a standard 12V automotive battery or a 16V Lion. Tesla is talking about upgrading it to a 48V LV system in future designs. I don't know if any other manufacturers have done so already.

The HV battery is isolated with a pyro-fuse that is blown when a serious accident is detected. Replacing the pyro-fuse would not be an issue if the rest of the damage is repairable.
I have driven worse looking ICE cars home after a wreck, is it the electrical system auto shut off that makes this ''totaled''.??
It might be a California thing, but I've seen cars/trucks totaled recently here when the repair estimate was just over half the value of the vehicle paid out to the owner. It think it may be vehicles being sold for relatively high value as salvage and sold either out of state or in Mexico with minimal repairs being done. If the frame is bent, they will rarely bend it back like they used to, they will price in a replacement frame as the needed repair, which really increases the repair cost.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about that. I’m on the east coast otherwise would try to help out.
Sorry for your loss, and happy to learn no injuries.

Curious and trying to learn, I understand that when a EV is involved in a crash, the electrical system automatically shuts off.

I have driven worse looking ICE cars home after a wreck, is it the electrical system auto shut off that makes this ''totaled''.??

When the airbags went off, all the interior lights came on bright, the big center screen turned red and connected me to Rivian emergency center, and the emergency flashers started blinking.

I was unable to get the car in gear to try and move it and I could not turn it off (no start/off button in the Rivian).

As for the damage, $36k plus more $ for damage discovered to the skateboard for which Rivian does not yet have a repair procedure.

Monday Rivian asked for a copy of my window sticker, then today I learned Rivian and USAA are now in discussions with USAA asking Rivian the ETA on a repair procedure...
I know a bunch of people at Rivian. I could make a call.

Who am I kidding. I'm not that cool (but I do know a bunch of Rivian folks). Sorry about the car.
Buy a beater. The way used car prices are going, you might be able to sell it at a profit.
I have driven worse looking ICE cars home after a wreck,

Heh, I remember something now. Back in grad school when I was broke and childless (which is to say, I was legally immortal), I ran into the back of someone on a merge lane to a bridge in my '00 XJ. Got my ticket (my fault). They towed their car, I drove away mine front all tore to shinola, leaking coolant.....straight to the airport where I was heading in the first place to fly a rental arrow for my 1-day a month half hour splurge (all I could afford). Priorities!

At any rate, I'm sure that NTSB report would have been a real doozy had I proceeded to crash twice in one day. username checks! LOL
I happen to have a spare vehicle now, WI. I did some bartering & ended up with a 2010 Ford Focus. It’s in decent shape, I’m going through it, some TLC. It may not turn many heads, but works.
Found out a few years ago you can have cars transported for a reasonable price. Carmax is a decent source of used cars, depending on what you want. Or, drive by a used car lot and make an offer of roughly 50% of sticker price on something you want. Have cash on you and be prepared to drive away. Son-in-law did that years back and came up with a decent Ford Bronco (old version). I bought it from him a few years later to tow an airplane, and then sold it for what I paid SIL.
Gotta 91 geo metro. First tank of gas on me! Still gets a solid 50+ mpg!!! Gulf Shores.

Nope, not for sale.
Is the at fault driver's insurance not paying for a rental?? Maybe try Turo, there are often cars on there for like $35.00 per day. Or as others have said, find something cheap on Craigslist or marketplace you can sell when the new car arrives.
Is the at fault driver's insurance not paying for a rental?? Maybe try Turo, there are often cars on there for like $35.00 per day. Or as others have said, find something cheap on Craigslist or marketplace you can sell when the new car arrives.
Thanks, I forgot about Turo, prices look much better. Now I just need to make sure my USAA insurance covers me in a Turo car, the same as it does in a traditional rental car...
Thanks, I forgot about Turo, prices look much better. Now I just need to make sure my USAA insurance covers me in a Turo car, the same as it does in a traditional rental car...

That is my issue with Turo. While the daily rental rates are lower than agencies, my insurance nor my credit cards cover P2P rentals so I’d need their coverage which makes them more expensive than Hertz and Co.