Look Attractive?

Would you do this

  • In a heartbeat

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • I'd have to suffer financially, at first, but yes

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • Nice to dream about, but I wouldn't do it

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • I want a different type of flying job

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • I'd never want to fly for a living

    Votes: 7 21.9%

  • Total voters
I guess I am confused...this is a young kid gaining experience. What's wrong with what he is doing?

Seems pretty cool?
There is nothing wrong with what he's doing. He is doing a low paying job in order to build time to reach the 1500 hour ATP.

Wether it is cool or not is entirely a matter of personal perspective. Sitting right seat in a fixed gear single engine turboprop wouldn't be my idea of a good time, but it is better than having to pay for your time if you don't have deep pockets.
There is nothing wrong with what he's doing. He is doing a low paying job in order to build time to reach the 1500 hour ATP.

Wether it is cool or not is entirely a matter of personal perspective. Sitting right seat in a fixed gear single engine turboprop wouldn't be my idea of a good time, but it is better than having to pay for your time if you don't have deep pockets.

Yes sir!
Why is two people needed up front in a Caravan? More than 9 passengers?

Once they graduate high school, maybe they can go solo. I'm not sure the FO is shaving yet, and there is no way the captain is old enough to buy a beer.
So don't base yourself in HNL. That plus if you aren't the sole breadwinner in the family, $50k plus your spouse's income may be just fine.

A bit snobby, this: "I value my financial future and solvency above getting paid in picturesque scenery instead of real wages." So, you're saying less than $50k isn't "real wages?" The national average wage index for 2015 is $48,098.63. <https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/AWI.html> I guess the average salary is "fake wages."

To each his own, but there's no need to be a snob about it.

Not snobby at all. Realistic compared to cost of living on islands. The national average or mean, is useless in that scenario. It's even mostly useless on the coast's biggest cities.
There's nothing wrong with what he's doing, as long that you preserve that context. The question however, was posed onto a demographic that the kid doesn't belong to, and some people got butt hurt at the frank answers they got. POA standard. Frankly, I find the spiel steveokinevo peddles much more objectionable given his age, than this tweener flying around Hawaii for said kind of money.

What kind of spiel is he peddling?
The kid managed to convinced this company to let him fly and make promo videos for the summer. Not a bad gig for a kid who is still in college (watch some of his other videos). I appreciate his ambition and drive. I suspect he will do well in life. What better time in life to take a "dream job" gain some experience, live with a bunch of friends in a crap apartment eating beans and hot dogs.
The kid managed to convinced this company to let him fly and make promo videos for the summer. Not a bad gig for a kid who is still in college (watch some of his other videos). I appreciate his ambition and drive. I suspect he will do well in life. What better time in life to take a "dream job" gain some experience, live with a bunch of friends in a crap apartment eating beans and hot dogs.

I did just that. But it was called the US Army back then....:lol::lol:
One thing worth noting. It is nice to see companies that are willing to pay (even if it is a small amount) for a kid to sit right of a Caravan. 5 years ago, companies were charging kids for the 'privilege'.
Not snobby at all. Realistic compared to cost of living on islands. The national average or mean, is useless in that scenario. It's even mostly useless on the coast's biggest cities.

Obviously it IS completely snobby to say that anyone making $50k or less isn't making "real wages." How would you like someone to tell you that? People should think two seconds before they post.

The way you put it was fine and without being a db. It is more accurate and without sneering to say "$50k might not be realistic." But even then, that's up to how a person wants to live, and their priorities. I, for example, live on the East Coast where it is very expensive (HI is cheaper), and for many years lived on far less than $50k. I never felt like I was somehow inferior to anyone. I make a lot more now, but I don't crap on other people who don't.

But I guess some have an attitude here that those on this board who live on $50k or less are making "fake wages," or just pursuing a "hobby" if they aren't making six figures.
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It's doable. I lived on Ohahu for a while. You can get 1 bedroom to rent for $600 per month - it just won't be on the coast. As long as you avoid the tourist areas prices are manageable.

According to some here, that is stupid, because one would be living a fake life, hobbying, and not setting priorities straight. I'm sure living like that would make a person feel devestatingly inferior and unhappy, as well. Better not to make "fake wages," and go get a real job.
There's nothing wrong with what he's doing, as long that you preserve that context. The question however, was posed onto a demographic that the kid doesn't belong to. . . .

Wrong. I was the one who posed the question, and the demographic does indeed apply to the "kid." The demographic is pilots.
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The kid managed to convinced this company to let him fly and make promo videos for the summer. Not a bad gig for a kid who is still in college (watch some of his other videos). I appreciate his ambition and drive. I suspect he will do well in life. What better time in life to take a "dream job" gain some experience, live with a bunch of friends in a crap apartment eating beans and hot dogs.
How do you know that? Maybe he is living with his billionaire uncle in his fifth vacation estate on the Big Island.
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There is nothing wrong with what he's doing. He is doing a low paying job in order to build time to reach the 1500 hour ATP.

Whether it is cool or not is entirely a matter of personal perspective. . . .
(my emphasis)
An excellent and concisely put rejoinder to the elitists' view of him.
How do you know that? Maybe he is living with his billionaire uncle in his fifth vacation estate on the Big Island?

He's not. He paid for most of his flying himself while in school, except for the initial PPL, which he convinced his dad to pay for him for a PPL instead of giving him a car.

So he had a little bit of parental help, but it's not like he's a trust fund baby.
This airline recently showed up at Santa Maria for scheduled flights to Los Angles. They train more in low IMC here than any other airline that has been on the field.

It is a difficult market; I hope they can make it.
According to the Cato institute a mother with 2 children in 2013 would average the equivalent of $60,590 per year in welfare payments. If this is true I can see why some would consider $50K (sub welfare) to not be "real wages".
According to some here, that is stupid, because one would be living a fake life, hobbying, and not setting priorities straight. I'm sure living like that would make a person feel devestatingly inferior and unhappy, as well. Better not to make "fake wages," and go get a real job.

I take it you were expecting everyone to vote "In a heartbeat."
According to the Cato institute a mother with 2 children in 2013 would average the equivalent of $60,590 per year in welfare payments. If this is true I can see why some would consider $50K (sub welfare) to not be "real wages".
What is it for a single person? That's what he is.
I take it you were expecting everyone to vote "In a heartbeat."
No; nor did I vote that way.

Actually, what I was expecting was less douchebaggery.

Why don't we start a new thread about how low-income pilots sadly make "fake wages," and are merely pitiable "hobbyists?"

We could call the thread, "Are you enjoying yourself in that basket of deplorables?"
Your point?

That hindsight2020's post completely explains the behavior of my acquaintance. She went there for scenery, not money. And that's exactly what she got. I have no point beyond that and I have not rendered an opinion about what the pilot in the video is doing. Do you have a problem?
What is it for a single person? That's what he is.

It doesn't matter what it would pay him, if your not making more than welfare for a mother and two kids most here would consider that "not real wages".

Not to say I would not have been all over it at that age.
Not sure I would want that job, even if I was a lot younger, but I definitely agree that money is not everything.
That hindsight2020's post completely explains the behavior of my acquaintance. She went there for scenery, not money. And that's exactly what she got. I have no point beyond that and I have not rendered an opinion about what the pilot in the video is doing. Do you have a problem?
Is the behavior of your acquaintance unacceptable? She sounds like a person who enjoys life.
It doesn't matter what it would pay him, if your not making more than welfare for a mother and two kids most here would consider that "not real wages".
I disagree. One year after graduation, I was making $30k. I was single and aside from student loans, I had no real debt. I lived in Boston in a one-bedroom apartment, and I was fine with my "fake" wages.

I'm happy now, too; and I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that I make four times as much as I did back then. Certainly I don't look back and feel sorry for myself.
He explained in a different video that it's in the company's OpSpecs that they have 2 pilots with pax on board or when operating in a 135 capacity.
Apparently their OpSpecs also allow for filming commercials in the cockpit with passengers in the back.

As for the other thing, obviously this is a way to dress up the fact that the company is desperate for pilots. For a limited time only, we won't even interview or test you, just come on down! Clearly they don't have a line at the door. Still, this could be a great job for folks in the right situation, and they're hoping those folks are this kid's YouTube fans.
Not sure I would want that job, even if I was a lot younger, but I definitely agree that money is not everything.

Are you sure? I think if you look at that video, especially knowing the low, fake wages the new pilot makes, you just gotta feel sorry for him, don't you?
The company seems to be enjoying the publicity. His video is on their website. He's a great marketing tool for them. They must be desperate for people because he's only working for them this summer then going to back to school in the fall according to one of his videos.
Are you sure? I think if you look at that video, especially knowing the low, fake wages the new pilot makes, you just gotta feel sorry for him, don't you?

Jesus dude, what is your problem? You act like you're the only guy who's made 30K and now makes more. The irony of going down that "bootstrap" anecdote rabbit hole, while calling out 3 veterans, one a combat aviator, and 2 civilian professional pilots on here, where you're neither.

You don't agree with those of us who find sub 50K wages a non-starter as heads of household? Cool bro, that's your prerrogative. Stop acting like you're the only one on this thread who's made that little before. The difference is that nobody called anyone a snob, a douchebag, or an elitist, except you on this thread. You took a question and posed it to a demographic of older primary bread winners with dependents, and when someone gave you their opinion, you took umbrage and projected your own 'feewings' about the non-economic merits of said job like a scolded child.

Take it to my PM box if you want to say something to me, otherwise knock it off with the passive aggressive responses to everybody who doesn't immediately jump up and down at the proposition you seem to admire so much from this kid. Calling 3 veterans and 2 professional pilots so far on this thread elitists, db and snobs, isn't adding any points to your credibility when attempting to speak about professional aviation.
Are you sure? I think if you look at that video, especially knowing the low, fake wages the new pilot makes, you just gotta feel sorry for him, don't you?
Am I sure about what? The reason I wouldn't necessarily want the job has nothing to do with what it pays. I definitely don't feel sorry for him as it looks as if he is enjoying himself.
It's like most of the polls done on here. When the results aren't in line with the OP's opinions, they go thru the roof.

It's got to be the greatest job in the world or it's plain rubbish. In reality it's just another flying job moving people from A to B in a scenic area and not making much money. Who cares? Again, if MOST of us were starting out, it could be desirable work. For those of us with experience, we can make 3 times that starting out with many other companies.

I don't fault those that have families that expect a certain lifestyle and seek jobs that cater to that lifestyle. I also don't fault those that prefer location over pay. It's about choices and it's nice to have that option.
It's like most of the polls done on here. When the results aren't in line with the OP's opinions, they go thru the roof.

Not in this case. I don't care how anyone votes; and anyway, I voted with the second most-chosen response.

What then do I care about?
. . . .
I don't fault those that have families that expect a certain lifestyle and seek jobs that cater to that lifestyle. I also don't fault those that prefer location over pay. It's about choices and it's nice to have that option.

There you go. I agree with you 100%.

And you know what else you DON'T do? You don't belittle others by saying what they do is just hobbying because their pay is so low that it is "fake."

I'm glad you and most persons on this board aren't like that.
My first year of active duty I was an enlisted guy, and the pay was very low. I was also singe, living on base, eating the dining hall. My entire net pay was disposable income. If the kid has his living expenses under control, maybe the pay is enough for him to get by while he builds time... As far the rest, $50K is not gonna work out very well for a primary bread winner in, say, NY, or DC, or SF. It might serve well enough in lower cost areas.