Little Things Rant

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA

Okay, where do I start.

Wait a minute, I'm Sac, not 6PC. It's like this right; the new burger place seriously has some of the best (if not the best) burgers in town. What makes a good burger?

1. Hand formed, six ounce patties. That's slightly over a third of a pound, except, in reality, they are the same size as the burger chains' half pound patties. They don't actually hand form it, they have a press, but the point being that they do it on site, they don't use frozen patties.

2. It's cooked right. Not burnt. Flipped once, no mooshing.

3. Thick bacon. It's crispy, just thick. Enough that you can actually taste it. Most of the time if bacon is an option at fast food I don't add it because they never put enough on to make a difference. Not the case here.

4. They get the whole lettuce wrap thing. Carl's gets it. Habit probably does it best. Inn & Out does a decent job. This place does a good job.

5. Real cheese. The cheddar is not some Velveeta textured goo, it actually has some substance, and some taste.

Okay now what bothers me. I don't expect a place to be perfect, but there are some minor things that annoy me:

1. I really don't like foam boxes. "I'd like a side salad please, and you can go ahead and put it in the basket with the burger." "Marvelous." Last time I asked it came in the basket and I was fine with that. This time it came in another foam box. In their defense, they did use the space for a better lettuce top half presentation.

2. Mustard. There is a big, huge, Heinz mustard dispenser that probably holds five gallons. Well it ran empty. I got about half a pump. I love mustard. Lots of it. Yeah there are the little plastic tear things but not only do I destroy my teeth trying to rip them open, I need a lot of them. I don't know of the ketchup dispenser had ketchup in it. I didn't check nor did I care. I don't like ketchup on my burger. It seems to work on a McD's Quarter Pounder but that's it. By the way, if you could add a mayo dispenser, that would be magnanimous.

3. Locking bathrooms. I mean the kind you need a key for. First of all, this place is in a business park, not an inner city homeless camp, and your bathrooms are indoors. People shooting heroine and doing blow is NOT an issue for your bathrooms. Yes I'm going to bother you for the key every time. It's going to start to get annoying.

4. Soap. Some people need it to wash their hands before they eat. Other people, like me, need it to wash their hands after they eat. I need to degrease my hands. The soap dispenser ran dry last week, and it's still empty. I left the can of Comet on the supply shelf on the sink so hopefully you will get the message.


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bacon flippin cheeseburger......BRILLIANT!

4. Soap. Some people need it to wash their hands before they eat. Other people, like me, need it to wash their hands after they eat. I need to degrease my hands. The soap dispenser ran dry last week, and it's still empty. I left the can of Comet on the supply shelf on the sink so hopefully you will get the message.

Do they have a separate employee bathroom? If not, the lack of soap listed above would annoy me for other reasons.
If you need a bunch of mustard on a burger, it's not a good burger.
Do they have a separate employee bathroom? If not, the lack of soap listed above would annoy me for other reasons.

I believe so. The customer bathroom appeared to have limited use.

If you need a bunch of mustard on a burger, it's not a good burger.

It didn't need mustard, I just like mustard.
I put mustard and mayo on prime rib, thank you.
So what are the coordinates on this place?
Apparently Sac went skinny-dipping in the ocean and got sand in her vajayjay again.
For you folks in the San Francisco Bay Area...

There's a burger place called Super Duper that has a few locations in San Francisco that I think make a great burger. Found out not too long ago they have one location in the South Bay in the Valley Fair mall. Too bad it's not close to where I work, or I'd go there more often.

As far as larger chains, I haven't tried Habit yet, but I keep hearing good things about them. The other place we go to is St. John's on Lawrence Expressway. They have great burgers, too.

Now I'm hungry, too, LOL. Guess I need to have a burger for lunch tomorrow.
Most "Carolina" BBQ has a vinegar base.
ya but....not really.


I live roughly where the "N" in North is in your map. That puts us square in the Lexington (western) style. I disagree however. More often than not the Lexington style "dip" is made with ketchup as the "red" coloring.

Note the other difference between this end of the state and the eastern guys is that they tend to serve their meat already swimming in their vinegar sauce where we always serve it on the side.

All three sauces are indeed "vinegar" based. It's just that Lexington and South Carolina puts OTHER stuff in it.

My South Carolina-style recipe is

One bottle of simple yellow style mustard.
Refill the bottle with white vinegar.
A quarter of stick of butter.
Salt, worcestershire, black pepper, and hot sauce to taste.

The western style uses Ketchup and a LOT more black pepper. My recipe is acceptable but not as good as my favorite stuff from Lexington Style Trimmings where I just buy it by the quart. Some day I'm going to convince them to give me the recipe. I'm pretty sure they add some of the pork drippings into it.

Getting back to burgers, good burgers have some meat to them and not too much grease. I absolutely detest the 5 guys scungy greaseballs while being the antithesis of the fast food dried out brown disks aren't right either.

My favorite near here is a bar in Baltimore called Alonzo's up on Cold Spring Lane. Out in California, I have to admit to liking Clark's in Mountain View. They give you a well cooked straight forward burger and then they have a condiments bar containing anything you can conceive of putting on a burger.
you prolly like that mustard Carolina BBQ crap.....:lol:

I really don't like most BBQ sauces as they are too sweet. I used to like Kraft Original sauce until they changed the recipe and put molasses in it. The original stuff was very similar to Heinz 57 sauce. In fact I use that sometimes if I want a sauce.

So what are the coordinates on this place?

Vicinity of KMHR. Had to go there a lot in the last couple weeks. Closest Habit Burger to me in the North Bay though is in Alameda.

how many days a week do you eat hamburgers?

Four to five. Usually my bike rides on the weekends include a burger stop.

For you folks in the San Francisco Bay Area...

There's a burger place called Super Duper that has a few locations in San Francisco that I think make a great burger. Found out not too long ago they have one location in the South Bay in the Valley Fair mall. Too bad it's not close to where I work, or I'd go there more often.

As far as larger chains, I haven't tried Habit yet, but I keep hearing good things about them. The other place we go to is St. John's on Lawrence Expressway. They have great burgers, too.

Now I'm hungry, too, LOL. Guess I need to have a burger for lunch tomorrow.

I might just have to try that but god parking in the City is a PITA. I see there's one on Market and 16th and one on Pierce and Chestnut that might work. I'm not dumping the car off in a garage just to do a burger run.
No mention of any hotties behind the counter? You're slipping.
No mention of any hotties behind the counter? You're slipping.

Honestly this place does not have any hotties behind the counter. The order lady, while she is the nicest person you will ever talk to and is very sociable, unfortunately resembles a rehabilitated crack whore. The burger chef is this Asian looking guy that is a body double for Mike Shinoda (rapper for the group Linkin Park) and has roughly the same demeanor. The remainder of the staff are a couple random dudes and a roly poly chick that has the body shape of an inflatable clown punching bag.