Little Man Syndrome


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?
I don't mind being little.....


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Sure, you’ll find many in management, working for the government, etc.

Thing with leading others is sadly the “big men” often don’t have much of a desire to tell others what to do, even though they are normally better at it, so the “little men” often flock to the roles which feed their need to boss others around, normally they have to screw up decently large before a “big man” will reluctantly step into the mess they made to clean it up, stomp out the “drama” and get work done
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Sure, you’ll find many in management, working for the government, etc.

Thing with leading others is sadly the “big men” often don’t have much of a desire to tell others what to do, even though they are normally better at it, so the “little men” often flock to the roles which feed their need to boss others around, normally they have to screw up decently large before a “big man” will reluctantly step into the mess they made to clean it up, stomp out the “drama” and get work done have that wrong.....that would be "big ladies". :lol:
Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?

Awwwww did a man of limited stature touch you wrong when you were a child??????
Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?

You called? ;-)
Interestingly, or maybe not, enough, I'd venture a guess that 75% of the flag officers (admirals) I've served under have been 5'6" or shorter. In my last job, we actually had a running joke that we should make the Admiral wear a bicycle flag so that we could see that he was in the room over our weird cubicle walls. That being said, all but one of them were actually pretty great of them actually promoted to be the Navy "air boss" currently, in charge of all of naval aviation.
The Air Force General I flew with in his Mooney was of short stature, no ego problems that I was aware of. He did fly rather well, and did ignore the bank angle limits that the FAA set for civilian flying. Fun to fly with, and very smooth. My wife was impressed with the 90 degree bank to show her something directly under the plane. He held the bank long enough to loose nearly 1,000 feet, apologized to the controller, and kept on going. I would have loved flying back seat in a suitable military aircraft with him.
I was diagnosed with LMS while in the military. 60 % disability but I don’t claim that on Medexpress. Mine requires no prescription meds so there’s no issues flying with it.
Sure, you’ll find many in management, working for the government, etc.

Thing with leading others is sadly the “big men” often don’t have much of a desire to tell others what to do, even though they are normally better at it, so the “little men” often flock to the roles which feed their need to boss others around, normally they have to screw up decently large before a “big man” will reluctantly step into the mess they made to clean it up, stomp out the “drama” and get work done

Ummmm. I’ve worked for a few absolutely brain dead bosses who only were bosses because they were tall and good looking. They were quite far from “normally better at it”. Like stupid enough you wondered how they dressed in the morning, levels of stupid.

But they looked good at a conference table, as long as someone else did all the speaking. They tagged along on the sales trips usually and the smarter ones deferred to someone else if a real question was asked by a customer or potential customer.

Always well liked and natural charisma, but complexity clueless about how anything actually worked that we sold. Hahaha.
I was diagnosed with LMS while in the military. 60 % disability but I don’t claim that on Medexpress. Mine requires no prescription meds so there’s no issues flying with it.
I’ve made sure not to receive a diagnosis so I don’t have to report it to my AME.
I’ve made sure not to receive a diagnosis so I don’t have to report it to my AME.

You’re well over 5’6” so I’m sure whatever symptoms you’re having are unrelated to LMS anyway. In my case, I don’t report it because I know more about the illness than the FAA. Plus I deserve the monthly $$$ that I get from the VA.
Ummmm. I’ve worked for a few absolutely brain dead bosses who only were bosses because they were tall and good looking. They were quite far from “normally better at it”. Like stupid enough you wondered how they dressed in the morning, levels of stupid.

But they looked good at a conference table, as long as someone else did all the speaking. They tagged along on the sales trips usually and the smarter ones deferred to someone else if a real question was asked by a customer or potential customer.

Always well liked and natural charisma, but complexity clueless about how anything actually worked that we sold. Hahaha.

It is nice to be tall and good looking. I remember having this conversation once, I’d rather have my kids be only slightly more intelligent than the average person and VERY attractive, than super smart with so so looks, think they would have a much easier and happier life and probably make more $$
Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?

We have a number of them on the board. So, yeah, one can.
Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?
Sure! There are plenty of dead pilots with big egos!
Definitely an LMS sufferer. I like that I fit in fun little cars, and yes that I fit in my Mooney. Can't reach things on high shelves and can't ride dirt bikes. Trade offs for everything.
Can't reach things on high shelves and can't ride dirt bikes

My wife is 5' even. I modified the seat if a YZ125 so she could ride. It didn't have any padding and it was still difficult to reach the ground when stopped, but she could jump it further than most men I know.

Then I got her a TTR 230 and souped that thing up a bit. Proper carb jetting, better pipe and different sprockets really woke that bike up. The electric start helped a lot but the suspension was a definite downside with that bike.

This was all before she got hurt. Couldn't get on one to save her life now.
You can become a pilot, although I think most with little man syndrome drive big giant trucks, like Dodge Ram's ! :)
My suspicion is that people like to assign 'little man syndrome' to short people due to a pervasive societal prejudice against the short, not because they're acting any differently to a taller person.
My wife is 5' even. I modified the seat if a YZ125 so she could ride. It didn't have any padding and it was still difficult to reach the ground when stopped, but she could jump it further than most men I know.

Then I got her a TTR 230 and souped that thing up a bit. Proper carb jetting, better pipe and different sprockets really woke that bike up. The electric start helped a lot but the suspension was a definite downside with that bike.

This was all before she got hurt. Couldn't get on one to save her life now.
No way am I riding a bike that I can't put at least both tiptoes on the ground, especially over dirt. Riding a bike too big is a damn fine way to hurt yourself.
Curious - Can an individual become a pilot if they exhibit ‘Little Man Syndrome’ ?

For those who unaware, Little Man Syndrome is a condition by which an individual is shorter than average in stature and so they try to counteract their shortcomings by having a big ego.

It’s safe to say having an above average ego is a hazardous personality trait to have when piloting an aircraft, so can someone really become a pilot if they have Little Man’s Syndrome?

you realize you are describing to perfect bush pilot. Small size = more payload. And yes, some time they have to have an ego.
you realize you are describing to perfect bush pilot. Small size = more payload. And yes, some time they have to have an ego.
You realize this thread is a joke right?
Back in my day this was called the "Napoleon Comlex." Millennials...

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