life hacks

Don’t be a Millennial and make up cute little phrases to pretend you came up with something creative that the rest of humanity has been doing for eons. You’re welcome.

Examples? (!) (Because we all need a good laugh.)
A little dab of Vaseline before screwing. Ok, punchline's outta the way. Found this one just yesterday when installing a shower in a bathroom remodel I'm doing. There was some screws that were damn near impossible to get started. I'm getting frustrated, like mumbling about getting a sledge hammer and turning the whole thing into bite size pieces for the recycle bin frustrated. My wife breaks out her trusty iPhone and checks with the Google Gods to try and save her new shower. A little dab of Vaseline, or generic petroleum jelly for you cheapos, on the screwee(screw) or screwor(tip of screw driver) does the trick.

A bar of soap works great too. I just scrap the screw across the soap once or twice and it screws in much easier. Bar of soap won't work for your punchline however.

edit: oops should have read the following posts, Bill addressed it.

One time a piece of metal pierced my gas tank on my airport car heading for Atlanta on I-85 and put a hole in it. Flew my trip and still was unaware of it. Left the ATL airport and noticed my gas level was low. Stopped and filled, and heard a dripping sound. WTF. Looked in under the car and saw the gas leaking out. Then I recalled the piece of metal sound. Got home and broke a piece of soap off and rubbed it into the hole. Every few weeks or so I'd redo it. Worked great. My engineer FIL told me about this one time and I remembered.
?.........Bar of soap won't work for your punchline however..........
well maybe. Ya know it's wise to have soap on a rope so you don't have to worry about dropping it and having to bend over in the shower to pick it up. (don't do it) Ah hell, Post Reply, click
well maybe. Ya know it's wise to have soap on a rope so you don't have to worry about dropping it and having to bend over in the shower to pick it up. (don't do it) Ah hell, Post Reply, click

Not necessary unless you're taking showers with another man or men.... BOOM!
DMAE mixed with a little rose water then mixed with sweet almond oil = facelift in a jar. Shot glass each morning of 300 mg DMAE in distilled water solution = sharp mind, mellow mood, and increased concentration. 8 grams creatine mixed with whey protein shake = awesome muscle food.
A rubber jar opener is great for peeling garlic.
I normally save plastic wrapped wet wipes given out at airlines and restaurants and carry them with me when I travel in SE Asia. In a #2 event where no toilet paper is available, they will literally save your ass.
Also - nobody will ever give you a hard time standing next to a Weber with a beer in your hand - no matter what time of the day!

Today in most of the country, you’ll be giving yourself grief. It is actually too cold to grill.

Traveling this week, in Worcester. Project is off the rails, stuff broke and no idea why. At least it is only around 0 here and just a little snow.
Rubbing the screw on a bar of soap often works well.

Soap lubricates the screw and makes it easier to go in. The vasoline makes the screw stick to the screw driver so you can get to screwing it in.
1. Your wife’s ass absolutely never looks fat in anything. No matter what. No matter how she asks or how many times she asks. Never.

2. A bag of frozen peas works wonders.
Soap lubricates the screw and makes it easier to go in. The vasoline makes the screw stick to the screw driver so you can get to screwing it in.
My grandfather was a carpenter in the era before portable power tools and screw guns. He drilled a hole in the bottom of his hammer handle and filled it with Octagon soap. Push the screw into the soap then drive. I've updated that to using carpenters wood glue. It lubes just as well going in, a metal screw won't stick to it coming out but it soaks into the wood grain, dries and strengthens the wood around the hole.
Don't kick a fresh cow pie on a hot day...

Or a large wild mushroom on a wet/dewy morning... BOOM! ... Mushroom facial (don't ask me how I know). Ok I'll tell ya. Took a practice swing on the 1st Tee using a mushroom as my target.. :confused:

If it's missing something, add more garlic!
Well I'll be damned. Look who came out to play. :D

Hahaha... the dog got bit by Ted et al. How ironic!!!! Posted just so he can see the little red flag but can’t click on it to view the thread!

POA hack if you have been banned.... go into Private Mode in your browsers and you can see POA again without having to dump your log in!
"Do not post boobies on PoA unless you need vacations like@mscard88:

Man, now I feel bad because I didn't know he was gone. What's the back story?
"Do not post boobies on PoA unless you need vacations like@mscard88:

Man, now I feel bad because I didn't know he was gone. What's the back story?
On which one?
1. Complain directly to elected officials - skip the bureaucracy, get it on a pol's desk, or on TV, radio, or in a newspaper.
2. Don't say anything without your lawyer present. If they ask if you understand your rights, answer "no". Then shut-up.
3. If traffic is passing you on the right, move to the right, until it isn't.
4. More driving - nothing you do should make someone else change what they are doing.
5. Loyalty to an employer is like falling in love with a hooker.
6. Job security lies in being able to find another job.
7. Most cops/officials/priests/lawyers are honest; but you won't know which, so assume the worst.
8. Negotiate a lower interest rate on your credit card.
9. Don't take off on the leading edge of a cold front
6 is great. 8 should be “don’t use a credit card unless you can and will pay it off every month.
wd40 is great for removing adhesive residue from glass or metal or plastic.
also, rust stains from ceramic tile, as it turns out.