Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Weird; seems like it should say 364, given that today is the 26th.
Not a vi expert, but apparently I am such a geek, I laughed SO hard....!!! Very very nice
It’s the “abort” command sequence for the standard UNIX edit program (vi). ESC gets you out of other modes, : is to enter a command, the q command is to quit and the ! Means suppress warnings and do it.

Programmers are lazy and would rather memorize arcane command ms like this than type things out.
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It’s the “abort” command sequence for the standard UNIX edit program (vi). ESC gets you out of other modes, : is to enter a command, the a command is to quit and the ! Means suppress warning gas and do it.

Programmers are lazy and would rather memorize arcane command ms like this than type things out.


*steps backward as quietly as possible and leaves the room*