Let's Go... RACING! JNuly 17, Mesquite, Texas (KHQZ)


Touchdown! Greaser!
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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
So before fairly recently, I did not even know that there was air racing, legal, safe air racing, that we could all do.

Enter the SARL (Sport Air Racing League), comprised of folks who figure, "What the hell, we fly to go fast, let's race while we're at it!"

My Bonanza Buddy Chester Jurskis ("Yoorss Kiss") flies "Trixie," the yellow and red and black and white S35 Bonanza, and when he flies races, he tapes up the entire airplane, and climbs in through the little window by your left yoke, the one you yell "Clear" out of. I haven't quite figured THAT out yet. But his windows and vents and all that stuff have shiny silver speed tape all over 'em.

So, after painting a swath across the SARL in his races so far, Chester asked himself, "Self, what could I do to make my airplane obsession even more ridiculous than it already is?"

The answer, written in chemtrails at 49,000'AGL, was , "Organize your own race." So, he did, and it's the "Sulphur Springs / Mesquite 130 Air Race," so named because it was supposed to be starting and finishing at Sulphur Springs, Texas, but the airport decided to do something dopey like, y'know, fixing some stuff. So the race is basing at Mesquite, Texas (KHQZ).

Mark your calendars for July 17, 2010 - it's bound to be a hoot!

See more at: http://www.slr130race.info/

ALSO, SEE: http://www.sportairrace.org/
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So before fairly recently, I did not even know that there was air racing, legal, safe air racing, that we could all do.

Get a glider rating, a glider, and a Silver Badge and you can race at any regional contest in the country :D

I talked to a guy from here in Wichita who raced a DA-20 in some sort of race like this last year. They got sponsored by an energy drink, had a big sticker of a Lizard on the side of the airplane, and had a lot of fun doing it. Sounds like a blast to me.
Get a glider rating, a glider, and a Silver Badge and you can race at any regional contest in the country :D

I talked to a guy from here in Wichita who raced a DA-20 in some sort of race like this last year. They got sponsored by an energy drink, had a big sticker of a Lizard on the side of the airplane, and had a lot of fun doing it. Sounds like a blast to me.

I loved the glider racing idea. i just spent a few minutes reading your blog about the Kowbell klassic. Very cool.

I was in the race in Wichita the year before last. The Air Cap 200. I did very well at that race.. and I seem to remember the Sobe Diamond.

As Spike said... I'm a racing fool... and just to clarify I climb in through the baggage door, not the vent window... such exaggeration!:rolleyes2:

The Race I'm hosting should be a great time. I've designed the course to included all the aspects that I like the most from our other races.

Long races are fun... but you can get anxious not knowing how well you are doing. Short races leave you wanting lots more. Turns are fun, because you have to fly the plane well to maintain speed and altitude.
This race will be 141 nm so long enough. It will have 8 turns, meaning short legs and some longer ones. The race is also shaping up with large field of fun aircraft. So far we have over 20 planes racing. all different types and classes, from a T-28B Trojan to a Zodiac (sp?) to a Cheyenne III. The sport class is filling in with SX300s and Lancair Legacy, and we're always looking for Bonanzas to race. we Have 6 in the big engine class, but just one in the IO470 class.
Why don't you come out and join us!

I want to see some King Airs and Conquests in the race... twin PT6s purring along, Air Conditioning pumping out the cold air, maybe some Table Water crackers and Brie, cold mineral water... knife-edge around the turn points!



Edit: We need a Citation class...
That is a good excuse not to make it... all of them.
We don't have a glider class yet, so you can't even trailer down here and race. Sorry about that.
A Citation class would be fun, but we're happy with just geeting weekend warriors in 182s to race, to the citation crowd would be a tough... nice to see one at 500agl doing a pylon tun over an airport... probably would be a 7 nm radius on the turn. you wouldn't see them.
That is a good excuse not to make it... all of them.
We don't have a glider class yet, so you can't even trailer down here and race. Sorry about that.
A Citation class would be fun, but we're happy with just geeting weekend warriors in 182s to race, to the citation crowd would be a tough... nice to see one at 500agl doing a pylon tun over an airport... probably would be a 7 nm radius on the turn. you wouldn't see them.

check out the SSA's website, www.ssa.org for more info on sailplane racing. Check out "Sailplane Racing" on the left side of the page. The SSA usually sanctions sailplane races in the US as the SSA is the national organization that sends pilots to the worlds for FAI World Gliding Championships. Several regionals are flown each year so pilots can build up ranking to qualify to fly nationals. National contests just ended in Sports (handicapped) Class and 18 meter class. Open (unlimited wingspan) Class Nationals start next week. There are still a few regionals left to fly this season too. I'm hoping to fly a contest or two next summer.

Typically there is at least one regional contest a year somewhere in Texas. Often a nationals is also held somewhere. Llano seems to hold a Regional every other year, usually switching off with somewhere further south. Last year Region 10 South was held in Brenham and was very successful. Uvalde is also a popular contest spot.

One really cool development the last few years have been the FAI Grand Prix races. Instead of a typical race where pilots start whenever they want and are scored based on time, this is a head to head race around a closed course and the first one past the finish line wins. It's a really exciting format and probably the best bet for soaring to ever make it onto ESPN.

That looks like it would be amazing fun. Nothing more beautiful than a glider... except a glider near huge mountains with lots of other gliders nearby. :thumbsup:

Up to this point the Sport Air Racing league hasn't had many good video opportunities... however there is a great article about us in PILOTMAG (on newstands now) www.pilotmag.com in a section that they may run often called Speed Quest.
We also get some excellent press every month in Fly-Low www.fly-low.com.
Here is a video that was put together after the first race of the season this year. Hard to beat some of this footage to get the idea for our racing.
Especially nice at 2:12

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iStie-7UZ3U&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iStie-7UZ3U&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

(sorry I couldn't figure out how to embed the video)

So who's up for a little racing action?
Run what you brung, and have tons 'o fun!

July 17, 2010
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Get a glider rating, a glider, and a Silver Badge and you can race at any regional contest in the country :D

I talked to a guy from here in Wichita who raced a DA-20 in some sort of race like this last year. They got sponsored by an energy drink, had a big sticker of a Lizard on the side of the airplane, and had a lot of fun doing it. Sounds like a blast to me.

Not to be a wet blanket but I wonder of such sponsorship is a commercial op?:dunno:
curious, how do the racing pilots prove that they actually flew the course? GPS logs? ground based observer? also, i couldn't find a comprehensive rule sheet for the races, am i missing something? just curious.
Not to be a wet blanket but I wonder of such sponsorship is a commercial op?:dunno:

as far as i know or care the PIC had a commercial cert. he wasn't carrying any person or property for hire.
curious, how do the racing pilots prove that they actually flew the course? GPS logs? ground based observer? also, i couldn't find a comprehensive rule sheet for the races, am i missing something? just curious.

They have ground observers, assess penalty time for missed turns, etc. Any violation of an FAR is instant disqual, too.
They have ground observers, assess penalty time for missed turns, etc. Any violation of an FAR is instant disqual, too.
And.... We also encourage the use of Data Loggers. Its pretty obvious when someone messes up, Hmmmm, Somehow your bonanza went 45mph faster than all the rest.
The ground observers are there to keep everyone honest. The Data loggers protect the pilots from the crazies.
At the Wichita race mentioned above, someone called the sheriff and said a red and yellow plane (like mine:eek:) had flown so low it broke the antenna off the side of his house, and knocked branches out of his trees... There had also been a storm the night before, but I digress... All eyes were on me, and then quickly diverted since the data logger proved I was actually high on that leg to catch a tailwind.
When we do these races we do try and stay as low as possible. They are short distance, so the benefits of climbing rarely outweigh the speed saved by not. Many people are not used to seeing aircraft at 500-1000 agl away from the airport, so we often get calls from to the police/constabulary. As part of setting up the race we contact all the Local PD and officials and give them a heads up that it is a race, and that they are all following the rules. This keeps the calls from coming back to me/ race organizers, and instead they get stopped at the earliest possible time.

So Tony, how many friends have you told about the race, and are they coming?

curious, how do the racing pilots prove that they actually flew the course? GPS logs? ground based observer? also, i couldn't find a comprehensive rule sheet for the races, am i missing something? just curious.
If you go to the SARL webpage www.sportairrace.org and click around most all of the rules are there.
If you click calendar of events and the Sulphur Springs 130 race, and then Race details, it will give you most of the specifics about this particular course. The Rule book is the FAR AIM... everything else is just the course to fly, and what we need to make you qualify for the win. :wink2:
There is a second course as detailed on www.slr130race.info it is only 73 nm and is designed for slower aircraft, or racers with limited range.
That is a good excuse not to make it... all of them.
We don't have a glider class yet, so you can't even trailer down here and race. Sorry about that.
A Citation class would be fun, but we're happy with just geeting weekend warriors in 182s to race, to the citation crowd would be a tough... nice to see one at 500agl doing a pylon tun over an airport... probably would be a 7 nm radius on the turn. you wouldn't see them.

And how many pitstops will be required for the Citation flying at 500agl. Them things get REAL thirsty down low...

I do think it would be real KOOL though. :thumbsup::cool2:

Go for it!! I'm a low time pilot(250 hrs). I took a club plane , a PA28-180, to the 1st annual air race at KEAT on June 12. I won my class!! Ok I was the only plane in my class FAC3FX, but in the record book it only lists first place, & that is me!. next yr nobody will care who was second or if there was a second. I never exceeded the POH, or abused the aircraft. I may have been the most fun thing I have done so far in a aircraft. (No i have not joined the mile high club yet). If I can do this anyone can,, GO FOR IT!@!@!@ Dave
Go for it!! I'm a low time pilot(250 hrs). I took a club plane , a PA28-180, to the 1st annual air race at KEAT on June 12. I won my class!! Ok I was the only plane in my class FAC3FX, but in the record book it only lists first place, & that is me!. next yr nobody will care who was second or if there was a second. I never exceeded the POH, or abused the aircraft. I may have been the most fun thing I have done so far in a aircraft. (No i have not joined the mile high club yet). If I can do this anyone can,, GO FOR IT!@!@!@ Dave

I heard of your victory in WA... You definitely have been bitten by the bug. The SARL Kool-aid is strong.
I appreciate yu speaking up. All of the people who read about the race and then can't decide whether to come or not, will hopefully realize that this isn't about hurting your plane or engine.
Take Daves comments to heart... If you can come, please do. It really is amazing fun.

So we have a Conquest III competeing... Who has a KA to bring to the fight?
I met Chester's nemesis today. Dale told me he has purchased new Unobtanium Speed Strakes, and no way no how Trixie's gonna catch his bird.
Can you post a picture of the Conquest III? Didn't know Cessna made one.

I heard of your victory in WA... You definitely have been bitten by the bug. The SARL Kool-aid is strong.
I appreciate yu speaking up. All of the people who read about the race and then can't decide whether to come or not, will hopefully realize that this isn't about hurting your plane or engine.
Take Daves comments to heart... If you can come, please do. It really is amazing fun.

So we have a Conquest III competeing... Who has a KA to bring to the fight?
Can you post a picture of the Conquest III? Didn't know Cessna made one.
Nope... but I might be able to after the race.
You should come and look for yourself.
(also I only know what the guy tells me. If it's his plane, and he calls it Something I go with it.)
Of course I think it's a Cheyene III? I mis-typed before.
Race 422Ron McCallumPiper Cheyenne 3"One Fast Engine"Turbine
24 racers and only 19 days till the race.

We broke through the Magical 30 racers today.
Still looking for more.
we need the following to help fill out some of the classes... in no particular order.
We need RVs... 4-6- 7-8s whatever you got bring 'em we've got guys running unopposed that will walk away with trophies and bragging rights if you don't come race.
We also have an unopposed Cherokee... and also a cardinal RG that's competeing against a Mooney.
So let's say we need Arrows, moonies, and cardinals to help make for some better racing.
Two more Ballanca Super Vikings would be great.
how about one more Grumman yankee too!

My wish list is based on three aircraft getting their own class. It really isn't "fair" to have two STOL C-182s going against a Cirrus SR-20. Sure they're all Fixed gear factory built aircraft with similar horsepower... but come on?
Also a Mooney with a 200hp IO360 is not really in the same class as a Piper arrow or Cardinal RG.. .but they are in the same class.
So by bringing in additional aircraft of similar type, we can split these guys up, and make the race more fun for them. (Also I have 1st- 3rd class trohpies, and I don't need to bring back twelve trophies to clutter my office)
Will there be a class for my rubber-band powered P-51 Mustang model that's piloted by my pet hamster?? :goofy:

Sounds like a cool race. Too bad I can't attend. :incazzato:
Is there any handicapping in these races? I looked on the linked sites and didn't see any information the "rules".

I'm in the same HP category as Bo's and Supe Vikes, but being 20-30kts slower it wouldn't be much of a race.
Is there any handicapping in these races? I looked on the linked sites and didn't see any information the "rules".

I'm in the same HP category as Bo's and Supe Vikes, but being 20-30kts slower it wouldn't be much of a race.
What type of aircraft do you fly?
If you go to the SARL page www.sportairrace.org ( remember it's a volunteer organization... including the web guy) and go to "The Mission" link http://www.sportairrace.org/id1.html
It will list the various classes at the bottom.
I as a lowly race organizer will work with you to get a fair class for your aircraft. It's the easiest to have same make and model race against one another, and for that reason if we have more than one of the same type of airplane, we will try to make it its own class.
I also am doing my best to "market" the race so that we can get as many aircraft to come, and therefore get more of the planes racing to increase the classes.
The Super Viking is a good example. I've got one racing... He's up against a lot of Bonanzas... Don't know how he'll do, but I'd prefer to have him run against two other Vikings.
To answer your question, no we don't handicap usually. We've had several races where we have done that, but this will be handicapped to the classes as we set it up.
Let me know what you fly, and let's get three of you racing...
Glad to have you!
The factory classes:

The Experimental Classes:
Cool deal if you can get three IAR823s!
See Spike's response.

It's a factory built experimental.
Go Go Gadget Google-FU!
Got it!
What a Cool Plane! Ok You might get first for having the most rare plane at the race.... only 78 built you just showing up and racing will win you fastest in class.
That thing is awesome!
Let's chat about your performance numbers and we'll put you in the appropriate class.
BTW, I couldn't help to note this

"Although not envisioned to be used in combat, the aircraft has 2 underwing hardpoints, stressed for 100 kg each. Total maximum allowed weight of external stores is 200 kg.

  1. •BE-50 - 50 kg general purpose bomb
  2. •BEM-100 - 100 kg general purpose bomb
  3. •UB-4-57 - standard pod for 4 S-5K/M unguided rockets, caliber 57mm
  4. •7.62mm machine gun pod caliber 7.62x54R - Romanian designed
  5. •70 liters fuel drop tanks"
If you come with rocket pods attached, I'll put you in any class you choose.
I signed up.

I cruise 130-150 kts depending on the weapons load out.

I didn't see anything in the rules prohibiting air-to-air engagement with the competition.

I'll try to be there early on Saturday.
I signed up.

I cruise 130-150 kts depending on the weapons load out.

I didn't see anything in the rules prohibiting air-to-air engagement with the competition.

I'll try to be there early on Saturday.

Is that TAS, or IAS?
You'll probably be in the hunt with some of the planes... We'll figure out where to put you.
Welcome Aboard!
Glad that you will be racing with us.
Invite your friends to come race as well!

TAS, and I expect to run 150kts TAS when level on the course if my instruments are accurate.

A couple of SX-300's from around here have already signed up.

Is that TAS, or IAS?
You'll probably be in the hunt with some of the planes... We'll figure out where to put you.
Welcome Aboard!
Glad that you will be racing with us.
Invite your friends to come race as well!

Seven days from right now you could be doing two things:
1 preflighting for another boring Hamburger run.
2 Walking out of your first pre-race briefing towards your Race plane, getting prepared to test your skills
And aircraft in your first air race.
Can you hear the crowds cheering you as you walk by?
The ladies swooning at your exciting heroic masculinity?
The child saying to his Mother, "I want to like him when I grow up!" As he points at you?
Can you imagine the feeling of pride as you hang the nail for your trophy to rest upon on your hangar or office wall?
Think of the stories to tell your coworkers when asked about your weekend...
"Well, I raced my plane in an airrace! What did You do?.... Oh a hamburger run, in your rented C172, that must have been fun."

Just one week from now what life changing event will you be experiencing?
www.slr130race.info. Could lead to the one you'll remember for the rest of your life.
Then again, you probably need another burger, and to waste another Saturday doing something
That will blend into the back ground of the white noise of life.

The choice is yours.
Choose how you will live your life.
I know what I'll be doing!

Chester Jurskis
1965 S Bonanza
Dallas Air Park F69

Come Race with me!
Next race July 17, 2010
KHQZ Mesquite TX
Pushing Close to 40 racers that will be racing this Saturday.

Still room for plenty more.
Invite your Friends!

I heard it was great. I could not go.
