Legal advice needed

None of those things are legal advice.
"Hey, I'm in the middle of conducting heart surgery, but I logged on to PoA to ask on what sort of technique I should use to re-attach the artery, what say you PoA?"

I'd ask if he had a current 3rd Class Medical with or without a SI before answering.

Much butthurt in this thread, there is.

Ponies for everyone!!
Also I think his original question was about the legality not if it makes him a DB.

Fair enough. I concede on that point.

@EdFred - Ha! says the most butthurt out of everyone here, getting all in a tizzy with your rigid defense of trolling ;) Your pony needs to come with a big cheerful bow around its neck!
My pony comes with wings and a single horn!

And I have no issue with trolling. It's usually pretty easy to recognize, and for those that don't recognize it, it provides much amusement for those of us that do.

Then again, I have fished these waters many times with great success.
My pony comes with wings and a single horn!

And I have no issue with trolling. It's usually pretty easy to recognize, and for those that don't recognize it, it provides much amusement for those of us that do.

Then again, I have fished these waters many times with great success.

Nomex is legendary. It is probably in the top 3 reasons I went to gaston's the following year.
Why all the chatter over Decibels (db)

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I have no idea what you are referring to!
He might be talking about a red board user who posted as "Nomex Maximus," who got people riled up by suggesting that the Reno Air Races should be shut down after the crash of a P-51 killed or injured some people in the crowd.