Legal advice needed

Now I'll let you all in on the joke.

This didn't happen to me. It was another PoA member who related the story from a prior trip and I related that in many states he was within his rights to stay, I then l laughed and said this would make for brilliant PoA discussion.

The over/under on name calling was 10 replies.

I won!
The contest is declared INVALID since the OP reposted before either a) more than 10 replies were entered thus encouraging more irrelevant comments and b) the string of useless advice ended.

The OP is thus required to camp outside the boundaries of said event in a cardboard lean to until such time either a) he catches pneumonia or b) the lean to disintegrates.

Classic indeed. At that very same conversation we laughed about when we all thought that DB was an abbreviation for Database. How silly we were.

No digging, As four other PoA members can attest. (Most notably a youtube sensation)
I would like for the four of them to attest then.
No digging, As four other PoA members can attest. (Most notably a youtube sensation)

Additionally, what kind of db throws his buddies under the bus, going so far as to even pretty much name one?

You made a stupid thread that everyone called you out on. Man up, own your lameness without trying to take others down with you and move along.
Ummmmm. Let me get this right. He is in Wisconsin and someone moved his cheese curds?

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Now I'll let you all in on the joke.

This didn't happen to me. It was another PoA member who related the story from a prior trip and I related that in many states he was within his rights to stay, I then l laughed and said this would make for brilliant PoA discussion.

The over/under on name calling was 10 replies.

I won!
No, you lost! What people are going to remember is that you are an ELITIST PRICK.
Now I'll let you all in on the joke.

This didn't happen to me. It was another PoA member who related the story from a prior trip and I related that in many states he was within his rights to stay, I then l laughed and said this would make for brilliant PoA discussion.

The over/under on name calling was 10 replies.

I won!

I buy the story. Most of you weren't at Gastons 2014, and weren't witness to the creative process of stories that are concocted and posted on here knowing that the masses will react pretty much exactly as you guys have.
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This cracked me up :)
I buy the story. Most of you weren't at Gastons 2014, and weren't witness to the creative process of stories that are concocted and posted on here knowing that the masses will react pretty much exactly as you guys have.

Still douchey though. I'm sure at least a few folks tried to search Wisconsin law to answer the OP's question.

That said, I'm still convinced all the rest of you are a bunch of 15 year olds posing as grumpy old men.
Still douchey though. I'm sure at least a few folks tried to search Wisconsin law to answer the OP's question.

That said, I'm still convinced all the rest of you are a bunch of 15 year olds posing as grumpy old men.

When you have a bunch of I-told-you-so's that range the internet, it's always fun to mess with them, and it's always the same people that take the bait.
Ummmmm. Let me get this right. He is in Wisconsin and someone moved his cheese curds?

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

You can get cut if you take someone's curds in some parts of Wisconsin.
Matt Damon would have kept the room and beat up anyone who entered. Later he would have slid down some sheets, stolen a car and headed for the Swiss border.
Still douchey though. I'm sure at least a few folks tried to search Wisconsin law to answer the OP's question.

That said, I'm still convinced all the rest of you are a bunch of grumpy old men posting as 15 year olds.

For whoever cares -

Innkeepers and landlords are treated very differently. The principles of acceptance and removal of temporary hotel guests (less than 30 days) date back to English common law where you could not throw someone out into the night because the woods were full of bandits. Today it could be a sick guest who is unable to depart - you cannot throw them out on the street. A healthy guest, who just wants to stay a little longer? That's a different category. Because this dates back to a moral responsibility of an innkeeper, is there morally a difference between requiring the existing guest to leave or kicking out the arriving guest? Either way, someone is out in woods with the bandits.

In general, a hotel keeper cannot just demand that a guest leave. But that doesn't mean they can't take other measures.

First of all - you made a reservation for the room, which included an arrival and a departure date. Then when you checked in, they asked you what date you were checking out on and then they recorded your answer. That is a contract that you are bound to keep and you are liable if you break it. That liability will wind up being a lot more expensive to you than the alternatives.

They can lock out your room key and I'm sure the HGI has electronic key locks. Now that creates a bailment situation where they are taking possession of your personal property so the innkeeper incurs other responsibilities, but it's entirely possible that you could arrive back at the hotel and be informed that your stuff is in holding down in the lobby.

Last - they don't have to keep the same rate. Now they can't raise it astronomically so the million dollar hotel room would be out. But 2, 5, 10 times the rate last night? What is the room worth to you?

Overall - they can get rid of you and they can do it legally. Nobody but a grade A Ash-Hat would try to stay in a room when it is 100% booked and you're going to kick someone else out into the rain. Take some freaking responsibility for yourself. Arrange a rental car, Enterprise will pick you up. There are hotel rooms in Appleton.

If this was supposed to be an example of stirring the pot, it didn't work very well, because it is rare when there is total agreement on POA. :rofl:

There were those who didn't understand the situation, and many didn't know about the legality, but there was a definite consensus as far as #don'tbeajerk goes!
The OP is just a troll.

And not even a skillful troll.

Just a third-rate troll.
No digging, As four other PoA members can attest. (Most notably a youtube sensation)

I can assure you I know OP and totally vouch for him.
Total Dbag! Only kidding.

We did in fact have this discussion in homebuilt parking a couple days ago at a "Gathering" in The NE US region where I noticed a surprising lack of cheese in the area.

@rolivi is a fun guy. His wife is super cool too. If he were going to troll, he could do a lot better.

Edit: This wasn't a Nomex (@EdFred ) story. I mean I had a couple beers but I thought he was telling us about a dilemma and asked if he should post here to see what the internet had to say. I wasn't under the impression this story was concocted for POA. That said there are a lot of POAers that can vouch for the fact that I frequently miss the underlying message, don't get the joke, and even the most obvious of points can go right over my head. So take any of my vouching with a grain of salt.
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That's nice of you to vouch for him. But. He's still a douche if he thinks he is entitled to bump another guest from a hotel to accommodate his own lack of planning. If you are flying in somewhere, you know there's always the chance weather could get in your way and should have a backup plan in place just in case that happens. Now let's say he was being honest that the story wasn't his and that he was only posting it to rile people up or so he could shout out "I won!" when people called him names I happened to find quite fitting. Still douchy. Especially douchy is to try and take his friends down with him as he fell off the cliff of thread failure instead of just owning his douchtasticness, apologizing for it and calling it a day.

I'd argue that anyone who concocts a bogus story for the simple purpose of trolling POA isn't mature enough to be operating an aircraft. How childish and stupid. But I don't think that's what @rolivi did.

Everyone has db days (well, not me... I have mb days - you know, "mega-bit..." :cool:), so maybe he was just having one of those when he posted this. Whatever, no worries. Although if he cares about saving any face, he should probably distance himself from crazy people who drink 100LL...
Nope, I love it! Got my CFI pretty good this year, actually. But that's in April. We're in July right now.

They have Christmas in July sales, no reason we can't have an April Fools in July. Practical jokes that cause no physical or financial harm are fair game year round.
Geez, what a guy. You ask for advice and many of us search and try to help you just to find out you were playing a game? Yeah, that's a troll all day long. I went out of my way to call a friend in the hotel industry for you. But I get that's how trolls work. Good luck to you. I will waste no more time on your posts.
Why would someone come on here asking for legal advice that has nothing to do with aircraft? Everyone should have known something was up from the first post - especially since it is oft repeated on here: "If you need legal advice contact a lawyer."
Why would someone come on here asking for legal advice that has nothing to do with aircraft? Everyone should have known something was up from the first post - especially since it is oft repeated on here: "If you need legal advice contact a lawyer."

Why would someone come on here and ask about boats, tractors, air conditioners, home repair, electronics or computers?

Why would someone come on here and ask about boats, tractors, air conditioners, home repair, electronics or computers?


None of those things are legal advice.
"Hey, I'm in the middle of conducting heart surgery, but I logged on to PoA to ask on what sort of technique I should use to re-attach the artery, what say you PoA?"
Making something up for the purpose of laughing WITH people = Cool!

Making something up for the purpose of laughing AT people = You're a db
What if you are laughing at people with other people?
None of those things are legal advice.
"Hey, I'm in the middle of conducting heart surgery, but I logged on to PoA to ask on what sort of technique I should use to re-attach the artery, what say you PoA?"
Is the patient certified?
That's nice of you to vouch for him. But. He's still a douche if he thinks he is entitled to bump another guest from a hotel to accommodate his own lack of planning. If you are flying in somewhere, you know there's always the chance weather could get in your way and should have a backup plan in place just in case that happens. Now let's say he was being honest that the story wasn't his and that he was only posting it to rile people up or so he could shout out "I won!" when people called him names I happened to find quite fitting. Still douchy. Especially douchy is to try and take his friends down with him as he fell off the cliff of thread failure instead of just owning his douchtasticness, apologizing for it and calling it a day.

I'd argue that anyone who concocts a bogus story for the simple purpose of trolling POA isn't mature enough to be operating an aircraft. How childish and stupid. But I don't think that's what @rolivi did.

Everyone has db days (well, not me... I have mb days - you know, "mega-bit..." :cool:), so maybe he was just having one of those when he posted this. Whatever, no worries. Although if he cares about saving any face, he should probably distance himself from crazy people who drink 100LL...

Oh, I don't think anyone should be allowed to overstay.
I am just vouching for the story being a legit question he was asking.
Hell, If I have a hotel booked and someone is trying to parlay my room into an extended stay. Buh Buy. c'est la vie. GTFO.
Also I think his original question was about the legality not if it makes him a DB.