Least Favorite Christmas Song

NC Pilot

Cleared for Takeoff
Jan 19, 2006
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NC Pilot
OK, some Christmas songs I do like, but "Here comes Santa Clause" just rubs me the wrong way.

What about the rest of you, which one grates on your nerves?
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

anything performed by small furred mammals
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

I dislike ALL Christmas music except the "Grinch" song from the animated TV show narrated by Boris Karloff. Priceless. :D
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Away in a manger.

When I was 5 my mom decided it would be nice for me to attend Sunday school at the local Christian church. So she started sending me there on my own and would pick me up after Sunday School. We had to sing in a Christmas pageant and this was the song. I remember standing there looking at this doll in a basket of straw and being really mad that I had to be on stage singing this dumb song. I have hated it ever since.

Mom eventually pulled me out a few weeks later when they found out I was not baptized and they put the pressure on her, in a big way, to Baptize me, and there was no way she was going to have me Baptized. It was an all around traumatic event for everyone.
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Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Funny thing about "Away in a Manger";

It is sung with a completely different tune here, than in other English-speaking countries (for example, Australia). Christmas morning, 2000, we are at Church in Adelaide (in shorts, hey, it's summer and they are laid back, in a sort of Anglican high-church kind of way, at this church), and the flyer says we are to sing "Away in a Manger"- I start to hold forth with gusto and... ooops!

My sister grinned at me- I was set up!
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

OK, some Christmas songs I do like, but "Here comes Santa Clause" just rubs me the wrong way.
I heard Gene Autry singing "Here Comes Santa Claus" while shopping at Costco last night. Bad as it is, I never noticed that it ends with "Let's give thanks to the Lord above that Santa can come tonight!"


Might as well tie the ideas together, huh? I laughed imagining some Jewish Tin Pan Alley song writers thinking they might want to throw that in. Like how Irving Berlin wrote "White Christmas."

Oh. I see that Gene Autry wrote it. I wonder if Gene Autry added the those verses at the end where it gets religious and if it's on all versions.

Note that the "thank the lord" lyrics aren't always there.
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Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

For me it is "Jingle Bells" performed by the barking dogs. There was a "music" store on my walking route to and from work that played it through an outside speaker continuously from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I can't imagine how they avoided being tortured and killed by the neighbors.... I only had to listen to it twice a day....

ANY Christmas song played too often is annoying!

Well, make that any song.....

Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

wwweeeee''''llllllllll bbbbbbeeeeee hhhhhhhhhhoooooommmmmmeeeeeee
ffffffffffffoooooooooorrrrrrr cccccchhhhhhhhrrriiiiiiiiiissssssttttttmmmmmaaaaasssss


The guy singing it can't even sing very well either so he makes up for lack of skill with dragging each letter of each word out for some horrific amount of time.

Every grocery store for 8 miles and several other stores have been playing that over and over and over and over and over and over and over constantly for weeks. It's even playing in the mall. I have yet to hear any christmas music except that one this year. If I hear it one more time, I'm going to rip the speakers out of the wall/ceiling, break the cd over someone's head and give them a swirly in ice water. How the employees take that day after day without committing murder/suicide is beyond me.

Selection, good even if the selection is bad, it's still good. Repetitive monotony, bad.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

For me it is "Jingle Bells" performed by the barking dogs.
That would be mine too, but that would make sense. :D

Actually I like dogs too, but I relate more to cats. ;)
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

For me it is "Jingle Bells" performed by the barking dogs. There was a "music" store on my walking route to and from work that played it through an outside speaker continuously from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I can't imagine how they avoided being tortured and killed by the neighbors.... I only had to listen to it twice a day....

ANY Christmas song played too often is annoying!

Well, make that any song.....


When Walgreens was sellling the animated Disney dogs barking that and other songs out and had it playing continuously, I wondered how many future serial killers they were creating in the store.

I mean, it was bad enough when you as a customer heard it as you rushed ta get your crap and get out. Imagine working the register all day where you can't escape it. :hairraise: Shoulda been considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

The Stevie Nicks version of Silent Night makes me want to shoot the speakers. But not without torturing them first.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Yeah, Barking dogs Jingle Bells is pretty bad.

I have to admit, though, that I sorta like the Porky Pig "Blue Christmas" . . . :D
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Grandma got run over by a reindeer....ARGH, please make it STOP!
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

How about "Grandma got run over by a reindeer"

or that morbid one about the kid buying Christmas shoes for his dying mother
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

I have friends (brother and sister) that do a little contest each Christmas - each gets the other the most annoying Christmas album they can find. The rules say the recipient must listen to the CD/album all the way through.

IIRC, to date, the worst was William Shatner sings Christmas tunes. Made the barking dogs sound good.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

I would have said hands down that insipid Paul McCartney Christmas song. Can't remember the name but I hate it. Then someone mentioned that insipid Christmas shoes song, so now I think I have a dead heat between the two.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

The Stevie Nicks version of Silent Night makes me want to shoot the speakers. But not without torturing them first.

Good lord do I agree. She sounds like a chipmunk. Nothing but vibrato through the entire thing.

For me, my most hated song is Blue Christmas or Meli Kaliki Maka. Ugh.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Funny thing about "Away in a Manger";

It is sung with a completely different tune here, than in other English-speaking countries (for example, Australia). Christmas morning, 2000, we are at Church in Adelaide (in shorts, hey, it's summer and they are laid back, in a sort of Anglican high-church kind of way, at this church), and the flyer says we are to sing "Away in a Manger"- I start to hold forth with gusto and... ooops!

My sister grinned at me- I was set up!

Since I read this, I've been looking for a recording, and can't find it. The only thing I can say is that the Alternate version is in 3/4 time. I really want to hear it now.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Good lord do I agree. She sounds like a chipmunk. Nothing but vibrato through the entire thing.


I third that motion, but I always thought Stevie Nicks sounded more like a goat, especially a goat that just had it's hair on it's chin pulled.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Grandma got run over by a reindeer....ARGH, please make it STOP!

This one got my vote.
One time here in Atlantan in July, the local radio station had "Christmas in July". We were going on a bicycle training ride for my wife (who was training for the Hawaii Ironman) and heard it on the way to our starting point. That @#(% song was stuck in my head for almost a hundred miles on a bike. I can't handle it anymore.
Oh, great, now it's stuck in there AGAIN!!!!!!

!)#^ Bah! Humbug!!!!
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Ya mean like the Vince Giraldi tunes from "Charlie Brown Christmas"?


These are classics.

OK, maybe not the screeching-kids vocals.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Anything sung by the Chipmunks....
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Holly Jolly Christmas.

And even though it really isn't a Christmas song, that one by george Michael, I think its called Last Christmas.

I do kinda like "Osama Got Runover by a Reindeer". had to laugh, I heard it for the first time last week.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Well i usually like Xmas songs but heard one tonite that just turned me OFF, was listening to local rock station and heard "I'll Be Dead Before Christmas" as you can see not a very appropiate title for a Xmas song. And words weren't much better.
Dave G.
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

It may be a Beatles song or someone like that...it has this stupid refrain they say OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. UGH!
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

It may be a Beatles song or someone like that...it has this stupid refrain they say OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. UGH!
John Lennon's "Happy Christmas (War is Over)" has Yoko singing the chorus. They didn't put in enough kids singing along to throughly drown her out.

Hold that note, Yoko! Oh! It think it's getting away! :eek:
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

I know the refrain is "we're simply having a wonderful Christmas time" over, and over, and over again....damn I HATE that song!
Re: Least Favorite Chistmas Song

Celia says, it's the "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas" song- I have never heard it, but she says, "It's awful."
I see why the hippopotamus one is irritating. Its obviously sung by an old lady trying to sound young. It kind of grates on my nerves.
I see why the hippopotamus one is irritating. Its obviously sung by an old lady trying to sound young. It kind of grates on my nerves.

That's not the original recording. I think that's the lady behind the site.

But the original is also something like that. I remember a version with a veddy British singer.
You guys are mentioning songs I've never heard of!

My least favorite is "Little Drummer Boy". I HATE that song. It reaches depths of insipidness and pathos that never cease to amaze me (I haven't heard the one about the shoes, and I don't ever want to--it sounds like another "Little Drummer Boy"). But as someone else mentioned, the worst is any Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Bah humbug.

OTOH, I like "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer". I wouldn't want to hear it over and over, but I still think it's funny, even if it is a little long in the tooth. I don't mind the barking dogs and "Jingle Bells"--once a year.
