I trained in a fuel injected C172S SP, and was taught after the engine started, to raise the power to 1200RPM and lean until max RPM. This way, the spark plugs won't foul. I own a Cessna 150 now, and have been leaning the mixture for taxi using the same procedure as I was taught in the Cessna 172S SP.
I was recently told by my mechanic that this was incorrect for an aircraft with a carburetor, and instead should taxi with a full rich mixture because fuel is the only thing cooling the cylinders. My mechanic explained how the engine will overheat if I don't keep full rich mixture on the ground.
I wanted to get some other opinions on this as this is the first I'm hearing about this. I always thought leaning on the ground was important so I wouldn't have a spark plug issue. Thanks!
I was recently told by my mechanic that this was incorrect for an aircraft with a carburetor, and instead should taxi with a full rich mixture because fuel is the only thing cooling the cylinders. My mechanic explained how the engine will overheat if I don't keep full rich mixture on the ground.
I wanted to get some other opinions on this as this is the first I'm hearing about this. I always thought leaning on the ground was important so I wouldn't have a spark plug issue. Thanks!