Nothing wrong with what is happening. If the nose is up and the stall horn comes on and you are withing 1' of the ground, just hold that attitude and the plane will settle to the deck nicely. After that point, aerodynamic braking of picking up the nose further isn't actually very useful, better to keep elevator authority to gently lower the nose. If you are VERY short field and need the maximum braking, the brakes on the wheels are much more effective at that speed than any aerodynamic braking you'll get, so it's best to get the nose down right away and get on the binders. You don't want to be getting into the brakes with the nose up because you'll slam down the nose gear with a potential for damage. What you can work on is getting yourself to the point where you have that "Nose up, stall horn comes on" transition with the mains within 2" of the pavement. Then start practicing it with a 20kt cross wind.