flyingcheesehead said:
And, since the biggest you can get right now is 160, it's not even worth upgrading.
But you can upgrade in other ways while keeping the original drive. External hard drives are great for storing rarely used, large files, like big photos.
Now lets look at a few answers in this thread so far...
Comment: I also DL a ton of new photos - large files
Q: how big is your HD?
A: it is huge and no wheres near full...
Q: Define "huge".
A: I think it has 100 gigs on it...
Huge is not a very specific answer, nor is the answer "no wheres near full". This is a technical issue, and answers given should be as specific as those given when flying. You don't want ATC to tell you in full IMC with a vacuum failure: "The airport is some ways off to your leftish, I think", after all.
You may be right that your drive is nowhere near full, but we can't prove that without specifics.
For specifics, do the following:
Open Windows Explorer (NOT IE) - Start - All Programs - Accessories - Windows Explorer
Expand the left hand tree until you find "My Computer"
Under "My Computer" right click and select properties.
The dialog that opens will show Used, available and total capacity both numerically and graphically. Please report the three listed numbers in Gigabytes. (Or the full numbers if you feel like typing them out).
Next item:
Comment: it's certain internet pages that cause it to nearly crash for a few seconds there.
Nearly crash? Is that like "a little pregnant"? A computer crashes or it doesn't, and when it does, it can be an application crash (minor) or an O/S crash (major) - either way you get error reports.
So is it just freezing? Is it just the browser that freezes or is it the hole computer? Using what browser? If its IE and its a site that's having problems, IE is part of the operating system, so if IE freezes it can freeze the computer.
The steps I'd start with have been partially covered:
1) Check disk capacity and usage
2) Removal of all temporary internet files and offline content
3) Full defrag including system scandisk and repair
4) Full spyware scan using at least two different, reputable spyware removal tools. (AdAware, SpyBot S&D and MS AntiSpyware are my preferred)
5) Full virus scan with most recent updates
If the problem hasn't been identified then, the big guns come out...