So for those of you who have had to experience this in real-life, has anyone done it at night?
As far as I know, the only extra preparation that you can do for this at night is to know your nearest airports and terrain. But anything else?
I believe that would scare me a great deal. Doing this in the daytime I can imagine, with the proper practice, preparation, etc. But at night...sorry, I can't imagine that.
My one real engine out, I was flying airspeed indicator in high DA and heavy. If there was more drag with still prop, I didn't notice it. IOW: Learn to fly what the airplane is giving you.
While you're still high enough, don't forget your radio call once you're headed towards your landing site. If you have time at all, otherwise your ELT will handle it. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate if able.
Don't forget, tell PAX to tighten their belts, usually only worn loose, and open doors. Shove your inflatable life jackets inside of your shirts if not there all ready.
Is your back seat cargo behind a web net or lashed down? Too late now if not, it may soon be flying into the backs of heads. Get full flaps down sometime on final.
Switches off and fuel off, then fly it in FLAT and don't try to stretch glide.
At NIGHT? You did install at least a mile long beam landing lite right, so use it and your moving map. To find the best hole you can. Standard landing lites are next to useless.
Going through the written emergency flow check list repeatedly in flights and sims will help things move naturally and efficiently, so that if it ever happens, you're doing so much stuff you have no time to get spooked much. I probably forgot something cause I'm not using a checklist now.
When you slide in flat with no injuries, get everybody out fast and away. Stand well back and say, "I ALIVE!" Then start bitchin about the POS that got you into that mess....