On the IFR “lite” rating. For safety, it would be better to keep the rating requirements the same, but adjust the currency applicability.
Getting my IFR rating made me realize how quickly proficiency is lost, and how easily I’d come to grief. Most of that proficiency loss is in the loggable portion of the approach, and probably in LIFR departures. I’m recently lapsed in my currency, and would never try an approach even if allowed, but believe I’m proficient enough in IMC to maneuver in the enroute environment safely.
It could be a stipulation that if you’re not current, but within X months, you could fly in the system, but not in IMC on either end of a trip (any IFR required airports due to vis & cig would be off limits).
I haven’t thought much about this at all except the last 10 minutes reading this thread, and it’s the internet, so flame on.