King Schools Sweepstakes


Line Up and Wait
Jan 26, 2012
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Just got my fall/winter 2013 catalog in the mail.

No sweepstakes airplane this year, instead it is
"Let us be your mentors sweepstakes".

"Dinner, hangar flying, and aviation mentoring with John
and Martha at an exclusive restaurant in Palm Springs".

I guess sales are down? :dunno:
There would really have to be something more than to hang out with those two for even 5 minutes in order for me to enter. That way I could take whatever else was offered and skip the time with them.
If you win, I will take the meeting with them. They are neat people and have a wealth of aviation knowledge. I met them last week at an FBO in Wichita and they are really down to earth people.... They owned a Comanche and told me all about their 250 Comanche. It is easy to take pot shots about their corny jokes in their training videos but it is hard not to really like them in person. I also met the New President of AOPA and no question i would rather spend 50 minutes at a dinner with either or both of the Kings.
Mad magazine said that you should learn enough math in school to know that the odds of winning the lottery are pretty much zero so you shouldn't play. Perhaps the Kings decided that giving away an airplane wasn't the best use of their resources. Probably their sales are flat or slipping also, given the state of general aviation in this country.
There would really have to be something more than to hang out with those two for even 5 minutes in order for me to enter. That way I could take whatever else was offered and skip the time with them.

Kinda harsh there. They're both extremely accomplished pilots and I can't find any evidence that they're anything but exceptional human beings. I think it would be an honor to have dinner with them.
I sort of imagine spending dinner with the Kings to be like spending time with that eccentric aunt and her weird husband when I was a kid. You You fear it before you go because you think you are going to be bored to death, and when it all is said and done a fun time was had by all. Sure they are corny, but thats what makes them special, and successful in what they do.
Kinda harsh there. They're both extremely accomplished pilots and I can't find any evidence that they're anything but exceptional human beings. I think it would be an honor to have dinner with them.

One on one, you will find John and Martha kind, gracious, and highly entertaining. They are an amazing team to watch in their airplane. A dinner and flight you wouldn't want to miss.
Dinner with the two of them in no way makes the purchase of any of their products the least bit more attractive or likely.
One on one, you will find John and Martha kind, gracious, and highly entertaining. They are an amazing team to watch in their airplane. A dinner and flight you wouldn't want to miss.

Probably so. But to offer it as a "sweepstakes prize"?? :confused:

Business must be down.

Get John out of the picture and I'm game. Me+Matha+A nice bottle of wine= Heaven
Doesn't Martha have the most ratings of any female pilot or something to that effect?

In September of 1994, we became the first and only couple to both hold every category and class of FAA rating on our pilot and instructor certificates.
Martha is the first and only woman to achieve this complete ratings sweep.​

Nothin' to scoff at.
In September of 1994, we became the first and only couple to both hold every category and class of FAA rating on our pilot and instructor certificates.
Martha is the first and only woman to achieve this complete ratings sweep.​

Nothin' to scoff at.

I wonder if they do rotor also?
I wonder if they do rotor also?

Certificates and Ratings
held by both
John and Martha King

Airline Transport Pilot
Single & Multi-engine Land & Sea, Airplane
Falcon 10
Citation 500
Citation Mustang 510S
Eclipse 500S
Rotorcraft Helicopter
Commerical Privileges
Rotorcraft Gyroplane
Lighter Than Air
Free Balloon
Certified Flight Instructor
Airplane Single & Multi-engine
Rotorcraft Helicopter and Gyroplane
Instrument Airplane and Helicopter
Lighter Than Air
Ground Instructor
Certificates and Ratings
held by both
John and Martha King

Airline Transport Pilot
Single & Multi-engine Land & Sea, Airplane
Falcon 10
Citation 500
Citation Mustang 510S
Eclipse 500S
Rotorcraft Helicopter
Commerical Privileges
Rotorcraft Gyroplane
Lighter Than Air
Free Balloon
Certified Flight Instructor
Airplane Single & Multi-engine
Rotorcraft Helicopter and Gyroplane
Instrument Airplane and Helicopter
Lighter Than Air
Ground Instructor

Wow!!! You have to have major respect for those two.
I've had dinner with John and Martha. I cooked dinner for them and a bunch of other pilots at our house after one of the early Smithsonian fly-ins. Had Jerrie Mock as a house guest as well.

I've also sat with them at a few Smithsonian events.
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I was thinking further psychological testing.


I like what my mother in law says: Pretty is as pretty does. Many beautiful and rich ladies are spoiled pains in the neck. Someone with inner beauty is nice.
Folks, you will want to know that there is a whole prize package for the sweeps. Here is the full list for the prize package from :

-Round-trip airfare for two to sunny San Diego, CA
-Deluxe double-room lodging for four nights, car rental for four days, and $1,000 spending money
-A full-day experience with John and Martha including...
-A tour of King Schools where the winner will star in their own aviation video segment in front of the "Blue Screen" in the King Schools Studio
-A flight with John and Martha in the King Schools Falcon Jet to Palm Springs, CA
-Dinner, hangar flying, and aviation mentoring with John and Martha at an exclusive restaurant in Palm Springs
-A KING Get-It-All kit of the winner´s choosing
Certificates and Ratings
held by both
John and Martha King

Airline Transport Pilot
Single & Multi-engine Land & Sea, Airplane
Falcon 10
Citation 500
Citation Mustang 510S
Eclipse 500S
Rotorcraft Helicopter
Commerical Privileges
Rotorcraft Gyroplane
Lighter Than Air
Free Balloon
Certified Flight Instructor
Airplane Single & Multi-engine
Rotorcraft Helicopter and Gyroplane
Instrument Airplane and Helicopter
Lighter Than Air
Ground Instructor

That's crazy. I wonder what the $$$ expenditure totals are for all those!!

I didn't use any of their products but I don't get the hate. Sure their jokes are dumb but I'll bet they have helped a lot of people with their flight skills and learning. I'd take that prize, it sounds fun.