Kim, welcome to the blue board!

I don't know....if I was getting extra hugs I might stick around...;)
Spike definitely needs extra hugs. :)

Kim, do you remember that twin at Miami County that sat and blew our airplanes around for 10 minutes running the engines up? That same plane was doing it to Tom and his student at PTS the other day! They were trying to pre-flight the Cherokee on the ramp and the twin taxied in and stopped at a diagonal and kept blowing them and blowing them and Tom finally walked over in front of him and made some kind of (polite) gesture and the twin moved a little bit. Later the pilot apologized to Tom in the office and said he was setting coordinates or something.

And then there was the guy flying in who tried to tell me on the radio that I was going to be landing on a non-existent runway. :D
And then there was the guy flying in who tried to tell me on the radio that I was going to be landing on a non-existent runway. :D

Yeah, that twin guy almost blew the Birddog off the ramp.....what a maroon! Guess he never learned to look behind him....or he just has EXTREMELY bad manners.

Well, to many folks the grass runways are non-existent! That was the guy who announced his position approaching the pattern AND in the pattern 200 times before he landed the damn plane! Did he really think you'd listen to his advice about runways??? :confused:

Silly pilots......:rolleyes:
Welcome to the Blue Board, Kim! Glad you could get away for awhile. Make sure you holler next time you're near M17; I'll buy you a $150.00 burger. (You too, Diana!):D
Diana, think of your reputation, if you are seen hugging a lawyer. :hairraise:
Shucks Bob, I know you were just kidding. :yes: Spike is a sweetie. :yes:

What's nice about the airport environment (the airports where I enjoy hanging Gaston's) is that people usually leave their titles at home. :)

Now, if I was a tree-hugger, that might get this nice thread for Kim sent to the Spin Zone. ;)
I would enjoy teasing Spike more if he gave me more of a reaction. Actually I think he is a pretty good guy. I guess it would be ok for you to hug him a little. :blowingkisses:
Bob, some of the stuff you do, I sometimes want to hug you!

Don't worry, I get over it, but still...
Are you sure that is hug, and not choke? I am just jealous that I can't fly an expensive Bo airplane around. :mad:
Are you sure that is hug, and not choke? I am just jealous that I can't fly an expensive Bo airplane around. :mad:

Bob, I am none too certain I can afford it, either, but I am strapped-on and committed for now.
Welcome Kim! :D Isn't it a little weird to take time off to come here? ;)

It's refreshing......I don't have to worry about what anyone is saying......or who's feelings are being hurt. I don't have to hear about who is complaining about what.......It's like going to the rest home for a few peaceful and calm......;)

It's refreshing......I don't have to worry about what anyone is saying......or who's feelings are being hurt. I don't have to hear about who is complaining about what.......It's like going to the rest home for a few peaceful and calm......;)

That hurts my feelings.