Kath's North America adventure, part I


Management Council Member
PoA Technical Administrator
Feb 27, 2005
Anchorage, AK
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Hi, all,

I'm off on a one-year flying adventure!
(First discussed in this thread:

Ultimately, over the course of 12 months, this'll take me from Anchorage -> the Midwest -> California/Arizona -> the South -> up the East Coast -> back to the Midwest (in time for Oshkosh 2020?) -> back to Alaska. The (very tentative) map looks like this:


...but the map does not even include the first part of the trip, which is getting to the Lower 48 through Canada from up here in the "Upper One". This is the part which is NOW UNDERWAY! I'm writing this from the pilot's lounge of a homely little airport in Alberta called "Westlock." It's Day 5.

I'm keeping a blog where I'm writing about the trip and posting photos, so I won't duplicate the effort here. http://beetlejuiceadventure.wordpress.com is where you can find it... it's actually a "reboot" of an old blog from the last long xc adventure from 2012.

I haven't had time to upload/post as many pictures as I would like. I've been flying every day, and the logistics (when solo) are pretty exhausting: not just the flying stuff, but also taking care of my basic human needs like food and sleep. But you can read all about the hillbilly places I've been camping: behind a maintenance shop, in an FBO lobby... I haven't showered since I left home.

I'll post updates here if I've got something particularly juicy to share!
If you divert KRAP to KLNK, please let me know
Sounds like quite the journey so far. Safe travels! (and a soft bed and a hot shower :))
Looks like a blast!
What a great adventure! Keep us posted, and maybe we can meet up when you get to Chino, CA. Flo's Diner on the field is great greasy-spoon comfort food. :)
We are excited for you Kath. Leslie and I plan to do something very similar in about a year or so, once she full retires. She is down to one day a week now.

If you can't land at KOMN, at least try to waggle your wings when you pass by. But stopping would be better. You might need a rest and a shower by then. Florida is quite a ways from Alaska.
It's hard for me to make these out... but are you trying to draw a shark, swimming to the east?
Following + Envy + Have a wonderful safe adventure.

We're on the west side of the Twin Cities if you find yourself over that way or need anything.
Good luck ,I’ve flown a good part of your proposed route,your really going to enjoy it.
So where did you make it to today? Weather across the Canadian prairies, Alberta & Saskatchewan, looked favorable.
So where did you make it to today?
I doubt that she's going to reply. She only wanted to promote her blog. The last update was August 3 from Westock, Alberta.
So where did you make it to today? Weather across the Canadian prairies, Alberta & Saskatchewan, looked favorable.
"Favorable" is an understatement. Gorgeous for hundreds of miles!
Made it to Yorkton, Saskatchewan. They had a crew car I could borrow, so I actually splurged on a hotel room and showered off five days of flying grime.
Planning to hit the border at Int'l Peace Garden tomorrow.
I doubt that she's going to reply. She only wanted to promote her blog. The last update was August 3 from Westock, Alberta.
I'm not quite sure how you meant that, but I don't think "she only wanted to promote her blog". She is posting a ton of details of her trip on her blog with limited internet. It would be silly for her to try to duplicate everything here too.
Perhaps I mistook your tone.
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Looks like the plan is to overfly New Mexico's southern flat and not all that pretty half. Come up north for the pretty sites.!!

A lot of folks from Alaska now live in New Mexico. For me it is the mountains, wide open spaces and lack of fences.
WHAT no KLOM? Wings Field where AOPA and POA were founded? Well one of them anyway. Out of curiosity why ILG? Big corporate field. Sounds like a great adventure! Enjoy!
I'm not quite sure how you meant that, but I don't think "she only wanted to promote her blog". She is posting a ton of details of her trip on her blog with limited internet. It would be silly for her to try to duplicate everything here too.
Perhaps I mistook you tone.

You are not alone in that thought. It seemed a bit snarky to me. Kath's currently at 824 posts on POA and while not as prolific as those of us without a life, that isn't the mark of someone who'd post on here just to promote their blog. She's one of us.
WHAT no KLOM? Wings Field where AOPA and POA were founded? Well one of them anyway. Out of curiosity why ILG? Big corporate field. Sounds like a great adventure! Enjoy!
Well, the "target city" there is Newark, DE. But I don't know nuthin about the airports in that area, so if Wings is better, then I just need to figure out how to get to Newark from there...
(That'll be next spring, so I've got time to figure it out.)

Apologies if my post sounded like shilling... I am not trying to publicize the blog, it's just a casual thing for friends and family. But I figured some folks here qualify as friends ;) (Been here since 2005, ya know, though I did take a long break in the middle...)

Currently in a tent at Lakota, ND. No internet again, and no humans, just two bars of cellular and the hum of the cars on the highway...
I can't remember if you are still heading more eastwards first (WI?)

If so, KBRD (Brainderd,MN) is a very nice airport. Two big wide runways if its getting really windy. They also have a simple but decent restaurant onsite but be warned its only open until a like 2pm or something. If you are heading more straight east towards Duluth the airport at nearby Superior (KSUW ?) is very nice and they have a restaurant on field as well. I have not eaten there but you taxi right by it and the FBO there (different building) is nice. Last one I would recommend if you need another restaurant on field is Hangar 54 at Eau Claire (KEAU). You will get a fantastic meal but its on the spendy side and service can be slow so skip if in a rush.

If you are going any other direction please disregard. Either way, right now Minnesota is about as lush and green as its been all year so hopefully it helps you enjoy the rather flat (but watery) views.
...Currently in a tent at Lakota, ND. No internet again, and no humans, just two bars of cellular and the hum of the cars on the highway...

You are hitting all the hot spots, aren't you. :D

I can't remember if you are still heading more eastwards first (WI?)

If so, KBRD (Brainderd,MN) is a very nice airport. Two big wide runways if its getting really windy. They also have a simple but decent restaurant onsite but be warned its only open until a like 2pm or something...

I'll second the Brainerd (not Brainderd ;) ) recommendation. I've overnighted there a couple of times on my way to OSH. But my gawd the mosquitos in Minnesota are almost as big as the twin engine wooden namesake airplane.
Just be aware that at this time of year it can be difficult to get a hotel room in the Midwest. Seems every little town has baseball and soccer tournaments going, and all the hotels in town are booked up and overrun with kids. :)
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Well, the "target city" there is Newark, DE. But I don't know nuthin about the airports in that area, so if Wings is better, then I just need to figure out how to get to Newark from there...
(That'll be next spring, so I've got time to figure it out.)

Apologies if my post sounded like shilling... I am not trying to publicize the blog, it's just a casual thing for friends and family. But I figured some folks here qualify as friends ;) (Been here since 2005, ya know, though I did take a long break in the middle...)

Currently in a tent at Lakota, ND. No internet again, and no humans, just two bars of cellular and the hum of the cars on the highway...

Welcome to ND and safe travels
Hello Kath,

Good on you! KMWC usually has a crew car. The El Greco Restaurant (just outside the airport gate) has good food.

If you were to stray further south, 06C (Schaumburg Airport) has the famous Pilot Pete's Restaurant. You have to be careful of the Chicago Class B airspace, of course. Otherwise, you might want to visit KEKM (Elkhart Indiana).

At Elkhart, if you borrow the crew car, you can drive to "Rise and Roll Bakery." They are famous for their "Amish Crack" cinnamon apple donuts. I laughed until I tried one. So good.

Good luck and good flying!
What an epic adventure; when you get to the Dallas area (which appears to be on your itinerary), perhaps the fairly-robust north Texas General Aviation community can fete you with supper and cold drinks!
Well, the "target city" there is Newark, DE. But I don't know nuthin about the airports in that area, so if Wings is better, then I just need to figure out how to get to Newark from there...
(That'll be next spring, so I've got time to figure it out.)

Apologies if my post sounded like shilling... I am not trying to publicize the blog, it's just a casual thing for friends and family. But I figured some folks here qualify as friends ;) (Been here since 2005, ya know, though I did take a long break in the middle...)

Currently in a tent at Lakota, ND. No internet again, and no humans, just two bars of cellular and the hum of the cars on the highway...

No Can't wait to read the blog! As for Newark, DE ( pronounce it NEW ARK not like the city in NJ New werk ) Is a GREAT college town and home to my alma mater the University of Delaware! I can give you some good places to go there. Newark is about half way between ILG and 58M. Big difference in the two. ILG is a big corporate field set in an urban/suburban sprawl area near Wilmington DE so lot of transportation options. 58M is a small field with a nice fbo/terminal building at the top of the Chesapeake bay just across the MD line. Lots of corn fields around and transportation options if you don't plan in advance may be somewhat limited. Gary Mascelli on this board knows both probably better than anyone on POA. Wings is about a 50 minute drive to Newark without traffic so its not the field I'd pick to go to Newark, but a great field none the less. You flew in here with Toby for our first POA FlyBQ! Can't wait to read the blog!!
I doubt that she's going to reply. She only wanted to promote her blog. The last update was August 3 from Westock, Alberta.

Really? You're calling out one of the original PoA members as shilling her website. GTFO of here.

Kath: I'm still in the same place as the last time you passed through, and if for some reason 6Y9 doesn't work out weather wise, lunch or what not is on me when you end up in the lower peninsula.
Apologies if my post sounded like shilling... I am not trying to publicize the blog, it's just a casual thing for friends and family. But I figured some folks here qualify as friends ;) (Been here since 2005, ya know, though I did take a long break in the middle...)
@kath I suspect that you may be the only person here that thinks YOU are the one that needs to apologize. In fact, I believe that once @zaitcev reads more of this thread, he will understand that he is the one that should be apologizing. You are not only an inspiration to women pilots, but to ALL pilots. I know how hard you worked to get your CFI and how seriously you take that role. Only someone that doesn't know anything about you. or your contributions to POA would make a statement like that. I appreciate both your blog AND this thread.
Just read the blog...it's delightful! If you wrote a book about your adventures, I would buy it and read it.

I liked the comments about "so..much..electronics" and the Lite Beer List.
Hi, all,

So's ya know, I made it to Madison (well, Waunakee) yesterday afternoon. Thanks to everyone for the advice; I *did* stop at Eau Claire for lunch on the way. It was funny, because the airport terminal was full of Menards employees in blue shirts...

<pause, while all the midwesterners sing: "Save big money at Menards!" okay, continue...>

... who were having a Menards convention at the airport, and their jet had broken down and they were waiting for another one.

I've been updating the blog, but I'll share one other story here from the trip that's too aviation-specific for that venue (and might even be educational!). Westlock Alberta has a little pilots' lounge/terminal, with a number-pad key lock on it. As y'all know, such a place often has a sign that says "The code is the AWOS" or something similar. This place had a sign that says "The code is the en-route frequency."

"The en-route frequency?" I thinks to myself... what the heck does that mean? CTAF? Center? I try the CTAF and it doesn't work. I dig out the Canada Supplement (a zillion-page tome covering the entire country) looking for other frequencies, I try Edmonton Approach, Edmonton Radio... nothing works. I'm being eaten by bugs standing hopelessly outside the locked door. I haven't closed my flight plan yet, and I was hoping to use the phone inside because I have only one bar on my cell. I walk around the building a little bit looking for more bars. When I've got enough, I call Flight Service to close my flight plan.

"Flight plan closed," says the nice person at Edmonton FIC. "Have a nice day!" "WAIT" I say back, "I have one more question for you... what is an 'en-route frequency' and what is it here?" The Edmonton guy sounds confused. "Well, normally, it'd be 126.7, but I dunno, maybe it's something different there..." I try that on the door, and it makes a different noise... clearly that is the right code. I thank the guy and hang up, having forgotten to ask what "en-route frequency" means exactly. I'm guessing maybe that's Canadian dialect for "Center"?

The next day, after departing Westlock, on a whim I tried tuning in to 126.7. To my surprise, it is not Center, or any kind of ATC frequency at all. It is like a CTAF but for en-route traffic, where VFR people are self-announcing themselves, just generally on their way wherever, not just taking off or landing. "Passing Fairview northeastbound at 5,500" or whatever. What a neat idea! After so many days of not encountering another living soul sharing the sky, suddenly, the sky seemed alive with other airplanes going this way and that. Over the next few days, I found that this same frequency is in use across a vast swath of the country, crossing several provinces. I had no idea this tool existed in Canada, until I found myself outside a locked door... The things ya learn!

Anyway, enjoy,
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After so many days of not encountering another living soul sharing the sky, suddenly, the sky seemed alive with other airplanes going this way and that.

Oshkosh is like that. :D This way, that way, and a few actually following the NOTAM!

Good to hear of your continuing adventure.
I doubt that she's going to reply. She only wanted to promote her blog. The last update was August 3 from Westock, Alberta.

Dude, she's been here a lot longer than you. :p

What an epic adventure; when you get to the Dallas area (which appears to be on your itinerary), perhaps the fairly-robust north Texas General Aviation community can fete you with supper and cold drinks!

And that is an option that should be exercised! The Dallas crew is the best, a whole bunch of awesome people in a pretty small geographic area. And always willing to hop in and fly down to KSEP for some awesome BBQ, or partake in some of the excellent local food. (I think on my last visit, I ate nothing but brisket tacos for a week.)