Kathryn's Report?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 12, 2015
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Is Kathryn's Report closed now, requiring a log in account? When trying to acces it, I'm redirected to a Blogger site.
I’m afraid it is. I’ve gotten the same redirect and after trying to log in with an email it says the blog is invite only. Hopefully it’s just temporary!
Thanks, it isn't just me and I hope it is temporary. I recall reading a couple of weeks ago where Katheryn's Report posted a disclaimer about removing posts if they were requested to. I wander if someone threatened them with a lawsuit or something and they decided to close the site? If so, I guess this is why we can't have nice things.
Dang. That would just stink if that was that was the cause of making Kathryn’s Report an invite only site.
Is Kathryn's Report closed now, requiring a log in account? When trying to acces it, I'm redirected to a Blogger site.
This happened a while back. After a couple of days it cleared up. Hoping it will this time as well
Yup. It seemed like a typical server outage. Or maybe a funding outage too. Often when a bill is not paid on time, the server jockeys simply turn off the domain the same day. :)
Is Kathryn's Report closed now, requiring a log in account? When trying to acces it, I'm redirected to a Blogger site.
As of today, 8/14/18 it's doing the same thing again. Has been for a couple of days now.
I noticed his a couple of days ago and it’s still showing available to invited members only for me.
Heh, for years there have been incidents that don't get coverage there. Like certain possibly members of the FAA who's accidents have conveniently disappeared from the public record at least online.
Is Kathryn's Report closed now, requiring a log in account? When trying to acces it, I'm redirected to a Blogger site.
Through the years I have had this same thing happen once in a while. Previously it typically corrected itself quicker than this. I have been trying for several days to get on with no joy.
Looks almost like they did a delete of the blog list. But I can't sign in anywhere to re-establish the credentials. Guess I'm hooked on it!
And as of 8-20 it's still down and out. . . did someone go on a summer vacation and forget to leave the lights on?
Who is Kathryn and why is she writing this report ?
No crash reports anymore?
I wonder what happened. Anybody care enough to contact them and find out? (I am too lazy and don't really have the time)
It looks like the incident/accident reports are back online.
Who is Kathryn and why is she writing this report ?

I thought the blog used to have an about link where it explained the woman who started it Kathryn had a husband who was killed in a GA crash. She made this blog to point out how many people were killed flying General Aviation. I can't find that link anymore she could have sold the website to someone else who took that link away.
Is Kathryn's Report closed now, requiring a log in account? When trying to acces it, I'm redirected to a Blogger site.

2022 BUMP

Experiencing the same thing; "Permission Denied - This blog is open to invited readers only."

I'd never encountered this before but based on the existence of this thread, I guess it's happened several times in the past.
This happens every so often. Think of it as your detox from the site and it will come back when all the electrons line up correctly at the server.
Was working for me yesterday. Was researching accidents for a specific aircraft type and found the content I sought there.
It’s offline again 12/4/20022, the poor Beechcraft on the cliff has been there for a couple weeks!
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