Kangaroos Attack Aircraft With Stinger Missiles

Wow - those Aussies gotta be tough. Sharks eat you when you go to the beach. They have the most poisonous spiders and snakes in the world. They have drop bears. And now we find out they have missile toting marsupials!
Wow - those Aussies gotta be tough. Sharks eat you when you go to the beach. They have the most poisonous spiders and snakes in the world. They have drop bears. And now we find out they have missile toting marsupials!

Do not forget the Bull Ants, FMD, those bastards hurt, and the Box Jellies, little tiny jelly fish that will kill you.
As a member of a group that was once known in the Army as the Ballistic Modelling Division -- Fire Control and Mathematics Branch (I loved that organization name, much spiffier than the one they changed it to...Systems Engineer and Concept Analysis Division - Advanced Computer Systems Team. I was never sure if I was a Systems Engineer or a Concept Analyst) we'd put crap like that into our simulations just for jollies.
Just to clarify:
Expect to pay $12-13 for 6 common beers. (When our dollar eventually returns to the long term average it will be very cheap for you.)
We generally do not export our good beers (or wine).
Most things in Australia can kill a person but they generally don't hunt you like some of the things in America. Crocodiles are an exception, they particularly like American tourists.
Just to clarify:
Expect to pay $12-13 for 6 common beers. (When our dollar eventually returns to the long term average it will be very cheap for you.)
We generally do not export our good beers (or wine).
Most things in Australia can kill a person but they generally don't hunt you like some of the things in America. Crocodiles are an exception, they particularly like American tourists.

So, am I OK if I drink Cooper's?
So - all those deadly critters and expensive 6-packs aside - suppose a US tourist was thinking about a visit, what are a couple must-see places (and it'll have to include a beach)?
The truth was funnier to me than the myth. I would love to see the kangaroos shooting a beach ball at a military helicopter, especially a multicolored beach ball.
So - all those deadly critters and expensive 6-packs aside - suppose a US tourist was thinking about a visit, what are a couple must-see places (and it'll have to include a beach)?
Depends what sort of things you like. Aviation things to do all year round. As for beaches: stay away from the northern beaches to avoid crocs and stingers. My favourite beaches are Torquay (Vic) in the summer and the Sunshine Coast (Qld) all year round.

So, am I OK if I drink Cooper's?
My favourite!
So - all those deadly critters and expensive 6-packs aside - suppose a US tourist was thinking about a visit, what are a couple must-see places (and it'll have to include a beach)?

Well, you get quite a spectrum. Tassie has some excellent rain forest hikes, Kangaroo Island off South Australia has some great big craw fish that are good eating and has the best honey of anywhere I've ever been. Wilson's Prom is a neat camping area but bloody cold water. Lot's of cool birds, echidnas and wombats there. My buddy has some land out in East Gippsland that I used to hand at, again, birds, Roos, and other cool critters in abundance. South Coast Queensland up to Brisbane and Stradbroke Island is nice, then you have Cairns north of that and the Great Barrier Reef islands, there's even Henning's Island.:yesnod: I never worried about the crocs too much and I used to put crab pots out in the mangroves behind Cairns all the time. Every now and then you see one, but pretty much in the populated areas they keep them caught and relocated. There's Darwin up north, you can miss that and not miss much, most of central and west Australia is a lot like out west US less the major dramatic features. Uluru is ok, but being around the communities is a bit depressing.

Oh, Vesuvius Pizza in New Farm, Brisbane, best pizza in the world, I get the chicken mango chutney.
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Yeah - it is kind if hard to narrow down just a couple things out of a whole continent.

So how about - a beach, snorkeling for beginners, some open air bars/restaurants with a very relaxed dress code, maybe some off-road Jeep tours.
Yeah - it is kind if hard to narrow down just a couple things out of a whole continent.

So how about - a beach, snorkeling for beginners, some open air bars/restaurants with a very relaxed dress code, maybe some off-road Jeep tours.

If I was only going one place for a short trip, it would be Cairnes, everything you ask for is available. Catch the Parrot and Flying Fox transition around sunset down by the marina, it's awesome. There's a row of trees and a million Flying Foxes (fruit bats, really cute little buggers) leave the trees and a million parrots come in.