Just wow

I was underwhelmed by the commentary but I do have a question - How are folks getting away with mounting cameras on their aircraft????

Not on a control surface. So generally allowed.
I was underwhelmed by the commentary but I do have a question - How are folks getting away with mounting cameras on their aircraft????

Well, they aren't specifically approved for the FAA that I know of, but they are generally temporary minor alterations since most are suction-cup mounted to the fuselage/non-lifting surfaces.
What amazes me is not that the doofus mounted a camera, but that he is so astonishingly clueless that he thought it would be a good idea to put that on the internet to show how awesome he is. Actually, all the videos of him I've seen induce the same cringeworthy response. Obviously he thinks even more of himself than the poster here thinks of him.
Thanks flight2000. The wow factor just went even higher. That is exactly why you don't do what this clown did. Most of his advice was wrong because he didn't know the pilot had no throttle control. Shut up and let the pilot do his job.
The dude looks as if he smells like a pedophile.

Yep, those two regs popped immediately to mind and I believe a case could be made for either or both. Could possibly toss in 91.11 for good measure as well.

§91.11 Prohibition on interference with crewmembers.
No person may assault, threaten, intimidate, or interfere with a crewmember in the performance of the crewmember's duties aboard an aircraft being operated.

Harassing a pilot over the radio can be construed as interference in my book.

He definitely did not provide any real assistance and possibly could have caused harm by telling the Arrow pilot to raise his gear and flaps and later to slip.

At the same time, I cannot believe that the Arrow pilot actually went along with the nonsense.

I also can't believe that tower allowed all of it to happen.

An all around messed up situation.
Yep, those two regs popped immediately to mind and I believe a case could be made for either or both. Could possibly toss in 91.11 for good measure as well.

§91.11 Prohibition on interference with crewmembers.
No person may assault, threaten, intimidate, or interfere with a crewmember in the performance of the crewmember's duties aboard an aircraft being operated.

Harassing a pilot over the radio can be construed as interference in my book.

He definitely did not provide any real assistance and possibly could have caused harm by telling the Arrow pilot to raise his gear and flaps and later to slip.

At the same time, I cannot believe that the Arrow pilot actually went along with the nonsense.

I also can't believe that tower allowed all of it to happen.

An all around messed up situation.
How about 91.119(c)?
It was fun looking for info on a flight and actually being able to find it for once!
Holy cringefest Batman!! That Arrow pilot was a cool cucumber, and had it made. I'm surprised the Cirrus pilot didn't tell him to pull the chute!!;)

The unsolicited BAD advice was bad enough, then the formation flight without permission of the Arrow pilot, then the low pass, holy crap!

It's like 1000 fingernails on 1000 chalkboards all at once!! :hairraise:
Another red board poster shared this video of our hero flying formation with one of his students on his first solo:

Another red board poster shared this video of our hero flying formation with one of his students on his first solo:

Oye. At least this one he wasn’t doing the low pass in ground effect.
Slow flight-screwing with a phone to take a video- easy way to get distracted and no room for error. It’s just unnecessary.
Alex is a very well respected pilot and instructor. Mixed feelings on the video. But, as always, there is more than what we see. Would it change any minds to learn the arrow pilot was appreciative—in fact even got a lift back to White Plains from Alex afterwards?

We lost a good pilot two weeks ago to a failed dead stick. Good person. Alex was at the funeral. I think he was trying to stop history from repeating the only way he could. Didn’t make much of a great video and the internet can be unkind.

Alex used to personally deliver free pizzas to TRACOM & ATC during the shutdown so these guys, working for free, could have a warm meal.

I don’t know him personally. But he’s very much praised by those that do. I find his posts a little ego/heavy handed. But then so go most jokes about pilots...

He may be a good person. He would be a better person if he stayed on the ground and didn’t interfere with the PIC of an aircraft in distress. If that had been a low time, nervous or insecure pilot it literally could have ended in a disaster. The tower controller ought to be reprimanded also for giving approval of that ... stunt. I listened to a portion of the ATC audio posted above, but had to close it after hearing “okay I want you to put the gear up”. Giving orders from another plane in the pattern attempting to land a plane with a mechanical issue of a loss of throttle control and suggesting raising the gear? And the flaps? Seriously he needs a sit down with the FAA.

The chase formation with solo students I’m a bit more meh on. As long as the students approve of it in advance. In the one video it sounds like he was out of the way and quiet on the radio. And the student pilot gets some video of a once-in-a-lifetime event.
That was completely awful to watch. The Arrow pilot had that under control. Why the need to interfere at all? And the low pass to the right? Crazy. Surprised he didn't get a phone number... I guess ATC was ok with it. Damn. The last thing I want on short final.. hell even base to final.. is someone yakking at me when workload (and stress) is highest.
It’s amazing we argue about everything on hear... BUT this entire thread is pretty much The same statement from us all just in varying degrees of detail and anger level!