Just 1 simple question...

gkainz said:
Why the hell do have to press 1 for English?

Because pressing 3645474 would just be far too time consuming. :)

Could always just take the non-menu route and press 0. :D
Why do we have to be inconvenianced because a bunch of Iimmigrants legal or otherwise are too lazy, stupid, or just unwilling to learn our language

Hmm, extend finger, press button. How inconvenient :rofl:

Sometimes I press 2 just to see how good my Spanish is anymore.
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If they didn't have that question, it would be something else. I am convinced that many of the phone trees exist to frustrate, not facilitate.
wesleyj said:
Why do we have to be inconvenianced because a bunch of Iimmigrants legal or otherwise are too lazy, stupid, or just unwilling to learn our language

That's exactly what the native americans said when they saw the pilgrams arrive.

This country is a country of Imigrants. always has been, always will be.
I used to agree with you, Greg, but I don't anymore and here's why.

If the option was left off the phone trees, then I'd have to deal with even more Spanish speakers, trying to explain "No, I don't speak Spanish, either you speak English, or I'll transfer you to the Spanish queue."

Yeah, they never understand until I break it down: "You speak English?" if no..."One second" then transfer.

I used to also believe that the option should just be "If you speak Spanish, press one" with no need if you didn't. That's just semantics, it works the same either way tho.

And this comes from a guy that thinks we should all speak English, BTW.
gkainz said:
Why the hell do have to press 1 for English?
It burns me when I get this after I put my ATM Card in the slot. What kind of sloppy programmer can't link a default language choice to an ATM Card or account number? No excuse for that one....


NC19143 said:
That's exactly what the native americans said when they saw the pilgrams arrive.

This country is a country of Imigrants. always has been, always will be.

Yes it is a country of immigrants,when the ancestors on my fathers side came here from Poland, Germany, Russia and Hungary, they learned the language, we didnt learn theirs.

The relatives on my mothers side that came from across the pond already spoke the Kings English, those that were already here, just shot arrows and threw spears at them in frustration.
Skip Miller said:
It burns me when I get this after I put my ATM Card in the slot. What kind of sloppy programmer can't link a default language choice to an ATM Card or account number? No excuse for that one....


This used to irritate the crap out of me. Apparently Bank of America was listening because now it KNOWS. Woohoo! :goofy:
No English choice in Mexico. You either speak Spanish, get lucky, or hang up. Oh and Walmart down there only has signs in Spanish.
NC19143 said:
That's exactly what the native americans said when they saw the pilgrams arrive.

This country is a country of Imigrants. always has been, always will be.

A country of legal immigrants. The Pilgrims don't count because there was no law here. That's one reason why the Indians are now extinct. They had no law nor order. Instead violent anarchy ruled and it was just a matter of time before a more advanced civlization sweaped them away.

All the other immigrants including Asians, Europeans and Africans have learned English. There is no excuse for not learning English beyond the desire to remain poor, uneducated and on the lowest end of the socioeconomic scale.
wesleyj said:
Yes it is a country of immigrants,when the ancestors on my fathers side came here from Poland, Germany, Russia and Hungary, they learned the language, we didnt learn theirs.

The relatives on my mothers side that came from across the pond already spoke the Kings English, those that were already here, just shot arrows and threw spears at them in frustration.

Get used to it gringo, times change, you'll soon be one of the lessor minorities, just like the every other minority that came to this country seeking a better way of life.

What will you think when the Spanish speaking majority amend the constitution to read in spanish,, think about it, they were here first.
Skip Miller said:
It burns me when I get this after I put my ATM Card in the slot. What kind of sloppy programmer can't link a default language choice to an ATM Card or account number? No excuse for that one....



BB&T does...in case you're looking for a new bank..:D

NC19143 said:
Get used to it gringo, times change, you'll soon be one of the lessor minorities, just like the every other minority that came to this country seeking a better way of life.

What will you think when the Spanish speaking majority amend the constitution to read in spanish,, think about it, they were here first.

That is the suck part of representative government. All you need is the numbers.
NC19143 said:
Get used to it gringo, times change, you'll soon be one of the lessor minorities, just like the every other minority that came to this country seeking a better way of life.

What will you think when the Spanish speaking majority amend the constitution to read in spanish,, think about it, they were here first.

The U.S. and international language of business is ENGLISH. Why does foreign ATC require ENGLISH to be spoken? Learn ENGLISH or forever be relegated to a second or third class citizen.

Spain's rule of the world ended four centuries ago. Spanish and French are no longer important in the business world. $$$ = power.
Anthony said:
A country of legal immigrants. The Pilgrims don't count because there was no law here. That's one reason why the Indians are now extinct. They had no law nor order. Instead violent anarchy ruled and it was just a matter of time before a more advanced civlization sweaped them away.

All the other immigrants including Asians, Europeans and Africans have learned English. There is no excuse for not learning English beyond the desire to remain poor, uneducated and on the lowest end of the socioeconomic scale.
LOL Actually the natives had great law, order & respect for the country. Their only problem was they had no flag......................

"No flag, No country" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On a serious note................

Do you really need to have a degree & lots of pieces of green paper to live & occupy land.

If there was an island with 5000 people living in harmony with no books or money, do they deserve to own the land? Our founders didn't think so....
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SkyHog said:
I used to agree with you, Greg, but I don't anymore and here's why.

If the option was left off the phone trees, then I'd have to deal with even more Spanish speakers, trying to explain "No, I don't speak Spanish, either you speak English, or I'll transfer you to the Spanish queue."

Yeah, they never understand until I break it down: "You speak English?" if no..."One second" then transfer.

I used to also believe that the option should just be "If you speak Spanish, press one" with no need if you didn't. That's just semantics, it works the same either way tho.

And this comes from a guy that thinks we should all speak English, BTW.

I hate the...

Phone : Enter your 16 digit account number
Me : 4929 1234 5678 9012
Phone : Enter your 4-digit pin number
Me : 1234
Phone : Enter your 5 digit Zip Code
Me : 48999
Phone : Enter your date of birth
Me : 701101
Phone : That date is invalid. Please use 4 digits for the year...
Me : 19701101
Phone : Enter the last 4 digits of your social security number'
Me : 1234
Phone : All of our representatives are currenlty busy..
Me : Yeah, reprogramming the tree maybe...
Phone : Please wait - your call is important to us...
Me : but not important enough to have a few more people to answer the..
Phone : <heavy accent> Hello ! This is Sam - can I have your account number please...
Me : I just typed that in ?
Phone : oh, well it doesn't display here....

Steve, I understand the frustration, but there's a frustration there for us telephone reps too:

If I didn't need you to give me the account number, I wouldn't have asked for it. Why must people tell me they already entered it?

We actually do get the phone number that people punch in. I only have to ask (now, this is new as of a few weeks ago) when they typed it in incorrectly.

I'm just saying, we don't ask questions to hear ourselves speak. If someone asks you for your account number or phone number or something, we really need it. It speeds up your customer service to not argue about it.

Ahh - which brings me to this too. Do you know why the hold time is as long as it is often times? Its because every call starts with:

"Do you know how long I was on hold? Why do you need my phone number, I already entered it. I don't know if you can help me, afterall, you don't even have enough employees to answer the phone...etc...etc."

If people would just state the reason they called and how we can help y'all, I'd bet the hold time would almost disappear.

I'm just saying....
SkyHog said:
Steve, I understand the frustration, but there's a frustration there for us telephone reps too:

If I didn't need you to give me the account number, I wouldn't have asked for it. Why must people tell me they already entered it?

We actually do get the phone number that people punch in. I only have to ask (now, this is new as of a few weeks ago) when they typed it in incorrectly.

I'm just saying, we don't ask questions to hear ourselves speak. If someone asks you for your account number or phone number or something, we really need it. It speeds up your customer service to not argue about it.

Ahh - which brings me to this too. Do you know why the hold time is as long as it is often times? Its because every call starts with:

"Do you know how long I was on hold? Why do you need my phone number, I already entered it. I don't know if you can help me, afterall, you don't even have enough employees to answer the phone...etc...etc."

If people would just state the reason they called and how we can help y'all, I'd bet the hold time would almost disappear.

I'm just saying....

Oh..I agree...or at least I would if it was because I had typed it in wrong.

I have a couple of vendors who's phone system ALWAYS asks for a bunch of details, NONE of which the eventual rep seems to have available to him. If you are not passing it on to the rep - why am I asked for it...other than to keep me on the phone a little longer waiting for the guy to answer his other calls ;)

I understand it from both sides - I've architected some of the systems that call centres use...and the integration technology is very good if done right - the customers information should be all available on the screen...so why do they always ask me for my account number again !! GRRRRR

Frustrating...thats all ;)
Eamon said:
LOL Actually the natives had great law, order & respect for the country. Their only problem was they had no flag......................

"No flag, No country" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On a serious note................

Do you really need to have a degree & lots of pieces of green paper to live & occupy land.

If there was an island with 5000 people living in harmony with no books or money, do they deserve to own the land? Our founders didn't think so....

Yeah running around killing each other is law and order. Living in harmony? Do you call constant tribal warfare harmony?

Let's go back in time and plop your naked *ss in an Indian tribe as see how long you'd last. :rofl:
Anthony said:
Yeah running around killing each other is law and order. Living in harmony? Do you call constant tribal warfare harmony?

Let's go back in time and plop your naked *ss in an Indian tribe as see how long you'd last. :rofl:

You are soooo correct, Anthony.

As I see it, there are two types of "look-back":

a) The rose tinted look-back - in this look back the dreamer is a "sensitive" type, a rennaisance "peacable kingdom" painting defines their view of the idyllic past.

b) The "white guilt" look back - this look-back is actually not limited to only caucassians but, they are by far the greatest proportion. In this world view, until Western Civilization (or Christianity - take your pick) came along, the wilderness was populated by peacable natives in colorful native costumes living in "oneness" with the earth. Non-whites frequently use this look-back as a tool to blame someone or something for their present ills.

The truth is that tribalism is a vicious circle of violence. The individual's allegiance is to the clan, the individual is subservient to the leader. The "honor" of the clan is paramount, and that honor is constantly defended against outrages real or imagined. Thus, every offense must be avenged, causing dishonor on the recipient of vengance. Thereby they must then avenge...and so on.

Anyone wishing to see what the world was like before "western civilization" need only look to post-colonial Africa. There are many reasons tribalism is a total failure, too many for this silly post. Big on the list though is (drumroll) - no lawyers, no law!

Western civilization's greatest social achievment was the evolution of a system of secular that law that took power from the individual chief and his clan. Western law is distributed by an organized, written code of law enforce by an organized system of enforcement and judiciary. Furthermore, the carefull records of modern justice mean case law can be reviewed and remembered. When western civilized citizens have a disagreement they don't have to chuck a spear at each other, they can take 'em to court. In court the written law and precedent rule, not the whim of the more powerful clan. The wheel does not have to be reinvented with every new clan chief.

Note I don't mention Asian civilization. Due to it's large yet isolated geography, it was able to develope it's own sophisticated government institutions without the clash of races western expansion experianced. I don't think Genhis Khan was any less a conquerer because he was also Asian.

True, tribal systems do not have large wars as we do. But, it is because they are in a constant circle of mini-intertribal conflics that impairs their progress in just about any field of human endeavor. We have big wars because our societies are so much bigger, as Agatha S. once put it "War is what we do."

Take off the rose glasses Eamon - "These are the 'good old days'"
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Ya'll Indian bashers do realize, don't you, that they had managed to survive here for a few thousand years quite happily, right? That they did, indeed, have their own sets of laws and morals which, unlike many of us, they lived by? No white man, or Hispanics for that matter, Dart, has any business yakking about tribal warfare, either.... might want to pay a visit to a place like Gettysburg or Normandy, where white men butchered each other by the hundreds of thousands in our versions of tribal warfare, before you start ragging on some tribal raids.

The very nature of the end of the Indian culture calls into question just which was more worthwhile. First the Spanish, then white, men gunned down and gutted women and children, engaged in biological warfare to commit genocide, made peace treaty after peace treaty, then broke them time and again when they wanted to steal more land. Murder, rape, infanticide, lies... the truth about how the West was won. Since we are taking off the rose colored glasses.
Joe Williams said:
Ya'll Indian bashers do realize, don't you, that they had managed to survive here for a few thousand years quite happily, right? That they did, indeed, have their own sets of laws and morals which, unlike many of us, they lived by?
Evidence for this, Joe?

I am willing to bet that they had their fair share of malcontents, rulebreakers, lawbreakers, liberals, conservatives, welfare cases, etc. etc. etc. Human nature is human nature, and they were/are no different.

Other than this, I agree with your post.

Joe Williams said:
Ya'll Indian bashers do realize, don't you, that they had managed to survive here for a few thousand years quite happily, right? That they did, indeed, have their own sets of laws and morals which, unlike many of us, they lived by? No white man, or Hispanics for that matter, Dart, has any business yakking about tribal warfare, either.... might want to pay a visit to a place like Gettysburg or Normandy, where white men butchered each other by the hundreds of thousands in our versions of tribal warfare, before you start ragging on some tribal raids.

The very nature of the end of the Indian culture calls into question just which was more worthwhile. First the Spanish, then white, men gunned down and gutted women and children, engaged in biological warfare to commit genocide, made peace treaty after peace treaty, then broke them time and again when they wanted to steal more land. Murder, rape, infanticide, lies... the truth about how the West was won. Since we are taking off the rose colored glasses.

Nobody said that Western Civilization was not brutal nor perfect. However, look and see who is left and what natural selection did to the species. They survived here for thousands of years because they had no competition. Yeah, it s*cks, but that's reality.
Anthony said:
Nobody said that Western Civilization was not brutal nor perfect. However, look and see who is left and what natural selection did to the species. They survived here for thousands of years because they had no competition. Yeah, it s*cks, but that's reality.

There is no denying the defeat of the Indians. But might does not necessarily make right. Not that it matters now, since the victors write the history.
But Joe, how is it any different from any of the other countries in history doing what was necessary to expand their empire or even to come to exist?

The only difference is that we are so passive about it now, that people still pick on us for it.
SkyHog said:
But Joe, how is it any different from any of the other countries in history doing what was necessary to expand their empire or even to come to exist?

The only difference is that we are so passive about it now, that people still pick on us for it.

Yeah! I wiss dose big kids wud stop pickin on us, its not FAIR!
SkyHog said:
But Joe, how is it any different from any of the other countries in history doing what was necessary to expand their empire or even to come to exist?

The only difference is that we are so passive about it now, that people still pick on us for it.

Didn't say it was different. Just don't confuse being militarily weaker with being savages with no culture.