Jim Gray still missing

Frangible is basically a number of fragments, held in place in a solid medium, which when it impacts the target, breaks loose freeing the fragments.

They are simply devastating rounds.
however, the "frangibility" design did not come up to make them devastating - it was invented on a search to make the rounds less penetrating, reducing damage or potential injury after penetration of the initial target. Less lead spatter and environmental concerns for training rounds was also part of the search.
Greg, I read the article you linked. It was excellent! What a great description and history of the frangible round.

Devastating does not do justice to the results I saw happen! This will certainly become my choice of ammo for close quarter protection.
Greg, I read the article you linked. It was excellent! What a great description and history of the frangible round.

Devastating does not do justice to the results I saw happen! This will certainly become my choice of ammo for close quarter protection.
add that to the peace of mind that your round is not going to continue on, penetrate drywall and possibly injure or kill others in the room or house beyond your target - good stuff!
AND it's going to expend ALL of it's energy on what you shoot with it ... not just pass through and on to the drywall, bystanders, earthen bank, whatever.

add that to the peace of mind that your round is not going to continue on, penetrate drywall and possibly injure or kill others in the room or house beyond your target - good stuff!