If you want a system that will usually not crash, runs most anything you'd want, and isn't trendy or fanboyish - use Linux.
Linux, not trendy or fanboyish? You have got to be kidding. It's more trendy and fanboyish than anything else is now.
Can't wait to try Flight Sim on Leopard.
Flight Sim sucks. X-Plane is available on Mac, Windoze, and Linux but it's developed on the Mac. See this:
Can't wait to try and of the Command & Conquer games on Leopard.
Sorry, I don't have time to play games. The Mac is not a gaming platform (though there are plenty of games available for it, such as the Halo series, so it's not like it's completely devoid...) So, if you just want to play games, just get a Dell or something. Better yet, a Wii or an XBox.
Ooh - what's gonna be exciting is to run AutoCAD on a Mac...
Have you ever used AutoCad??? C'mon, I can come up with all kinds of Mac-only software that I've never used. Not a good argument. The Mac does everything that 99% of the population needs to do.
Plus, there's some really great software that's Mac-only. Several examples at
http://www.omnigroup.com/ for instance. Mac users tend to gravitate toward "mac-like" software as well, because we can't stand having to read manuals or call tech support or do anything that can be done by the computer. I guess you could say we're lazy.
Sure, you could buy a Mac and emulate Windows....but doesn't that defeat the purpose? You lose performance, and you spend more. Yay.
You don't emulate Windows on an Intel Mac - You just run Windows natively. Hardware-wise, a Mac and a Windows PC are very much alike once you take away the Mac's good-looking exterior.
If you want the coolest-looking Windows box on the block, just buy a Mac and install Windows. No difference between that and just buying a dell, except for the extra couple hundred bucks you'd spend to buy a copy of Windows.
And there are no Microsoft fanboys
Yeah there are. I've had people tell me that Microsoft invented QuickTime and many other Apple products. I dunno what else you can call them besides fanboys, except maybe "dumbass."
Ask a Mac Fanboy about MacOS, and see if they'll admit its not perfect. It doesn't happen.
Uh, yes it does. I've never said it's perfect, and I've even complained once or twice on the board. See the Leopard release thread (and BTW, since the 10.5.2 update, it's been rock-solid stable - Not a single reboot since the update.)
"Microsoft stole the idea of a mouse from Apple! They clearly invented it."
Bad example... Apple had 'em before Microsoft ya know.
I only have two words... "frequent backups."
And while that is sound advice on any computer, most computer users do not back up. Which manufacturer has made it so dirt simple that you'd have to try harder not to? Oh yeah, that'd be Apple with the "Time Machine" portion of Mac OS X 10.5. Single-click setup, no further user action required. First time you plug in a sufficiently large external drive (or connect to one over the network) after installing 10.5, it'll ask if you want to use that drive for Time Machine. You click "Yes" and you're done. It does a full backup, and then keeps hourly backups for the last 24 hours, daily backups for the last week, and weekly backups until the backup drive is full.
But most importantly for this thread... The darn thing meets Jesse's needs better than anything else. That's what's important. Playing the latest games doesn't matter - Getting the job done does. Is that so hard to understand?