But marijuana doesn't even produce opioids. So I really don't understand your point. Some opiates are produced by another plant, Papaver somniferum, not particularly related to the three Cannabis species that people use to get "high". The same poppy that makes opiates also makes the poppy seeds for your pastry.
You’re off on the topic of chemistry. I’m explaining why we even have drug sniffing dogs for one drug and we push others.
We have a $1T a year social misstep called “The War on [certain] Drugs” to protect a money pipeline that flows from Pharma to Politicians to Cops to Dog Trainers. A trillion dollars.
All to protect the “legal” drug flow that’s not exactly shown itself to be properly regulated, with opiate pill addiction on the rise and alcoholism as bad as it’s ever been.
Toss out the $1T a year in spend and let the dummies have their weed. Being that politicians will have to approve it, tax it if you like, like we did here. The neighbor being addicted to Oxycodone or drinking him or herself to death is a much bigger health problem that the neighbor smoking joints on his deck.
But they don’t want the money flow that pays a A metric crap ton of people all throughout the legal system and private incarceration system to go “poof” overnight.
Thus, “hero” drug dogs. It’s just a dog and it’s just part of a trillion dollar a year industry of repeat offenders that the rest of us can’t afford and frankly, couldn’t care less about. Go ingest whatever you like to get high, if that’s your best thing you can think of to spend your life doing.
We don’t need the no-knock raids on the wrong houses, flash bang grenades tossed in bang cribs, or any of the para-military expensive horse crap, or... drug dogs, if you just let the idiots get high. And the ones that decide to use other drugs and OD? They’re already doing it on pills if not powder up their noses.
Let Darwin handle it and limit Narcan to one free reminder they’re going to die, if the paramedics get to them in time the first time. Second round, forget it.
Chalk it up to my favorite phrase said at pilot funerals, “They died doing what they loved.” Apply it to the addict who didn’t get the hint the first time.
Don’t even get me started on alcohol and that money racket. I’m up to four people I knew personally who drank themselves to death. Their choice. It’s a stupid way to go, to me. And not exactly difficult for anyone to see coming as they choose to imbibe more and more.
Granted, I’m an engineer so I don’t have any of the nurturing or healing genes in my makeup. Save the idiots once, and then let ‘em finish the path they chose. Good paying work for the funeral home workers instead of drug “task forces.”
Following what I’m saying now?
Every addict I’ve ever known made a decision to stuff something in their body instead of dealing with their adult problems that everybody has in one degree or another. Let ‘em have it. $1T a year to fight it isn’t worth it.