You would not regret having a wooden block made up of 2 x 6 with you to
lower axle onto once wheel is removed.
Particularly if you are outside and aircraft are taxiing.
Some boaters are aware of their wake and damage.
Many pilots are not.
There is another hidden danger that could cause a LOT of excitement.
If tanks are near Full and and Fuel Selector is in BOTH you have made a sort of
Water ( er fuel ) Level.
Fuel will run from the higher tank, through the Selector and completely
fill the lower tank.
This does a really good job of checking the condition of the top of the bladder
and how effective is the seal to the skin.
If it is not a good seal fuel will run down the outside of the bladder
and show up in the Wing Root area.
Often this is mistaken for a leaking Quick Drain.
Fuel may also drain from the Vent behind the Strut.
This can be HAZARDOUS.
There was a Cessna (?) Service Bulletin, Letter or Instruction outlining.
the procedure.
To prevent the cross feeding you use the same technique that Cessna
states as when parking on a hill.
Turn the Fuel Selector to LEFT or RIGHT.
Not OFF or BOTH.