Do you realize that if you wait long enough, the words and word usages that were sooo wrong, so unacceptable, become - over time - not only commonplace, but they are actually adopted as acceptable in newer editions of your standard dictionary!
Is anyone old enough to remember when "ain't" was not in the dictionary - in fact, its use was forbidden by educators and parents alike?
Read and weep:'t
They embrace it by merely including it.
I heard on the radio yesterday that they are adding a new word to the english dictionary every 90 minutes!!!
I used to deny it, even fight it.....but I am getting more and more (here goes): "what-ever!" about it!!
If ya cain't beat em; join em (,y'all)!
ooo. should that be a comma, or a semicolon between 'em' and 'join'?(old habits die hard!)
"Ain't" was in our dictionary when I was lad, as we pointed out to the shock of our neighbor mom who was shocked to see it.
Two points:
1) There isn't "the dictionary" not even "the Webster's dictionary"
Many dictionary publishers use a variation of Webster.
2) The purpose of a dictionary is to document and define words used in the language, not to act as a gatekeeper for proper words to include, although you have to wonder how they usually choose to exclude "dirty" words.