Pre-takeoff checklist
Good write up!
Is it really a requirement?! We have no Bravo anywhere near me, so not sure how that will work. Nearest would be about 300nm direct one way.
Update: Week 11 (~30hrs)
> Short Version: Mixing it up
> The second lesson was much busier. I didn't realize a requirement for the PPL is to at least request a clearance into the Bravo. My CFI does this in his sleep. So I listened carefully and did all the normal taxi, takeoff talking and he handled MPLS Approach. Unfortunately we were denied (I was bummed I though it would be awesome). So instead he just continuously gave me new vectors around the south side staying under the bravo until we were handed back off to STP. I think MPLS approach missed one thing, they didn't have us squawk 1200 again and the STP controller remedied that. Before I am done want to pass thru the bravo at least once.
Is it really a requirement?! We have no Bravo anywhere near me, so not sure how that will work. Nearest would be about 300nm direct one way.