It is a great day for spaceflight. Private sector spaceflight, get the gov't out of the way and let progress happen.
There are plenty of private sector spaceflight companies involved in spaceflight. That has been the case for decades now in regard to satellite manufacturing and launch. Many of those missions are wholly private and have zero government involvement (other than regulatory oversight).
What there is not a private sector for is space
exploration. The private sector will not build a Hubble telescope or send men to Mars, because such missions are enormously expensive (in private sector terms) and there is little likelihood of financial return.
However, they *will* build unmanned cargo ships to carry supplies to the International Space Station. They *would like* to build manned vehicles to carry crews to/from the ISS. Why? Because
the government will pay them handsomely to do that!
If NASA wasn't pumping billions of dollars into SpaceX, it would not exist. Having NASA as their biggest customer gives them the credibility that attracts investors and other customers...without NASA, they simply would not have the money they need to do what they're doing. If government "got out of the way", there would be no SpaceX right now!
NASA has never bulilt a rocket. Private sector industry has built every rocket, capsule, fuel tank, or Shuttle that's ever flown with a US flag on it.
The only thing that's changing is that for the first time, a couple of companies are building vehicles to their own designs and that will be operated by their own employees, as opposed to building them to NASA-provided specifications for NASA employees to operate. That may ultimately turn out to be a very significant shift, but as of today, it's still a relatively small one.
Until there is a private customer with pockets as deep as the government, and who is willing to spend huge sums just to get his name into history and maybe science textbooks, then you have two choices: Government involvement in space exploration, or no space exploration at all.