It finally happened


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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I knew if I drove long enough, this would happen.

I was in a major wreck on Tuesday night, complete with a free trip to the hospital strapped to a backboard (I hate those friggin' things... This was my second trip on one). The good news is, I'm here to talk about it.

My trainee was driving, we were in the middle lane of I-94 westbound just south of Milwaukee. A car passed us on the right... Well, I guess technically he didn't pass us all the way. Before he was even in front of us, he cut to the left too quickly for us to react. The middle of the left-hand side of his car hit the front right corner of the truck, and the car and truck got locked together for a couple of seconds with the car at about a 30-degree angle to the left, which pushed the front end of the tractor to the left.

The car finally separated and spun out to the right, but we were too far gone to do anything. We smashed into a cement wall, went over the end of the wall, through the median (which is about where I started thinking "So this is what it's like to die"), across all three lanes of eastbound traffic, down an embankment, through a creek, and into the woods before coming to a stop. :eek: An eastbound SUV ended up in the ditch due to evasive maneuvers. Four people sent to the hospital (me, my trainee, the guy who hit us, and a passenger in the SUV), but miraculously nobody was killed and the injuries weren't all that serious. After a bunch of X-rays, they sent me home and said "Your neck and back are probably gonna be really sore and stiff for the next 4-5 days." Sure beats the alternative.

All of my stuff came loose. Everything in the sleeper, everything on the dash, everything in the cabinets (which came open as we were being thrown around) all rained down on us. It's gonna take a while to clean all that up. Blech.

Six hours after the accident when I was released from the hospital, we tried to drive back to the site but I-94 eastbound was still closed and all traffic was being diverted onto Ryan Rd. We went a few miles down, turned around, and went westbound. The truck had just been pulled back up onto the road.

As we all (should) know, 85% of aircraft accidents are caused by pilot error. On the ground, things are quite the opposite. 85% of truck accidents are caused by cars. Please, drive smart around trucks. It's a miracle that this one turned out as well as it did: A half second later, we would have taken out a tanker and about 10 cars on our way across the eastbound lanes, and I wouldn't be typing this. It's a ride I never want to take again, and we had absolutely no control over it.

Anyway... I get a few days off to recover. I'm glad to be here to talk about it. My laptop, unfortunately, was destroyed. (Hard drive is intact, case and screen are not.) When that's replaced I should be able to post more.

Man oh man, I'm glad you're OK. Hope you recover soon and get back on the road before too long. Sounds like it could have been much worse.


ps... did you get my email?
HOLY COW!!! Glad to hear you made it out in one walking, talking piece! As a part-time semi driver, I know what you're talking about. People don't realize that those 80,000 lb rigs don't stop on a dime and don't handle like a Porsche. I took my wife with me on a Sunday hop and she couldn't believe how 'big' those things are once you're actually inside. She says that she is VERY careful around semi's now because she has seen how it really is a 'job' to drive those things down the road.

I had to put my sprayer in a ditch last week because someone tried to pass me on a two-lane road coming UP a hill. SUPRISE! There was a car coming up the other side of the hill. Neither of the cars were slowing down, so I had to put my $100,000+ sprayer in the ditch so those a-holes could get to their favorite evening TV show 5 minutes earlier. *sigh*

Glad to hear you made it out OK. Good luck with the clean-up and paperwork that will follow.

Geesh Kent! Glad you're in one piece!

Any idea what that idot was thinkin? Just cut in too soon and ran into you? I just don't get it. Many folks just don't have any idea how much momentum a rig like yours has at those speeds.


Dave Siciliano said:
Geesh Kent! Glad you're in one piece!

A big DITTO! And YIKES! I sure am glad you got nothing more than bruises and a busted laptop.

Any idea what that idot was thinkin?

My guess would be he wasn't doing much "thinkin" and I'll bet that now he's mostly "thinkin" how damn lucky he was. That tractor pushing into the left side of his car probably left a lasting impression on more than the car body.

Just cut in too soon and ran into you? I just don't get it. Many folks just don't have any idea how much momentum a rig like yours has at those speeds.

Heck, if that idiot pulled the same stunt against a Toyota Camry it still could have been quite a serious accident.
The worst part is that that idiot is probably at home, bitching about how he got hit by a truck.

Dang Kent. I'm glad you walked away from that in one piece. (smashbangers are no fun at all)

It sounds like that jerk tried to murder a whole bunch of people. I hope he got the crap knocked out of him for pulling that stunt.

Truckers, motorcycles, farm equipment and anyone pulling a trailer always gets double clearance and extra help from me whenever possible. They've got enough going without having to deal with an extra potential hazard in the vicinity...and it keeps me from getting run over too.
oh my God Kent, I am really glad you made it out ok. and everyone else too. you are right, the dum bulb probably thinks it was your fault.
Glad you are okay Kent.
The POA boards would just be all wrong without you here!
Kent - glad you made it ok. You'll be stiff and sore for probably a week or so, but of course it could have been so much worse.

However, since you are SO lucky, you need to stay away from Jesse. Like matter and antimatter the two of you in the same place would probably result in mutual annihlation.

Thanks for checking in.

Take a day off and go see a "CARS" :yes:
Sounds like your occupation gives you more than your share of exposure and glad you're mainly OK, hope your losses are not significant (lost income, deductibles etc).
I am reminded of my driver's ed course as a 17yr old... my instructor hobbled into the car, seemed to be injured and in pain - then we drove around a little and was he ever a nervous instructor we all thought, kinda jumpy and riding his brake on the right side unnecessarily. Later on he told us he just got out of hospital after an instructional wreck in which the student messed up somehow and he ended up having major abdominal surgery - made us realize why he was on edge, and also feel empathy that despite his injuries he needed to carry on as this was his only means to produce income.
WoW! Kent. I'm sorry this happened but happy ... VERY HAPPY that you are ok as is everyone else.!!!!!
Wow!!! Glad to hear you are ok. I hate that stretch of I-94 it is like racing NASCAR there. When I was running a systems engineering team out of Wisconscin we had a couple of accidents allong that stretch of road. Too many people, going too fast on a too straight section of road eitehr trying to get out of Milwaukee or outa Chicago.
Wow, scary! Hope the recovery goes quickly.

I don't suppose there will be any repercussions for the other driver....
Kent, glad to hear you and the others made it through "the incident" (this was no accident) without major injuries. God speed.
CJones said:
HOLY COW!!! Glad to hear you made it out in one walking, talking piece! As a part-time semi driver, I know what you're talking about. People don't realize that those 80,000 lb rigs don't stop on a dime and don't handle like a Porsche. I took my wife with me on a Sunday hop and she couldn't believe how 'big' those things are once you're actually inside. She says that she is VERY careful around semi's now because she has seen how it really is a 'job' to drive those things down the road.

I had to put my sprayer in a ditch last week because someone tried to pass me on a two-lane road coming UP a hill. SUPRISE! There was a car coming up the other side of the hill. Neither of the cars were slowing down, so I had to put my $100,000+ sprayer in the ditch so those a-holes could get to their favorite evening TV show 5 minutes earlier. *sigh*

Glad to hear you made it out OK. Good luck with the clean-up and paperwork that will follow.


I will say to you the same thing I always told my drivers, never under any circumstances leave your lane, let them kill themselves, let them damage their own property, if you leave your lane and damage your equipment or yourself, they will be long gone and you will be left to suffer the consequences and pay for the damage.

wesleyj said:
I will say to you the same thing I always told my drivers, never under any circumstances leave your lane, let them kill themselves, let them damage their own property, if you leave your lane and damage your equipment or yourself, they will be long gone....
YOIKES! Glad you made it, Kent....
SkyHog said:
The worst part is that that idiot is probably at home, bitching about how he got hit by a truck.


Hopefully not to a lawyer. We've got this ambulance chasing lawyer here that advertises on TV for "big rig" accident victims to sue the trucking companies. Very happy you're going to be OK Kent. That was a scary story! My brother is a long haul trucker and was himself in a serious accident a few years ago. As for me, I give ALL big rigs a very wide birth.
They started flashing the message "Trucks take longer to stop" on signs on the Illinois expressways and tollways. That and thinking about you has made me be sure to allow plenty of space and give adequate signal warning if I want to go into that tempting gap in front of a semi.

We're very glad you're OK, Kent!
I'm so glad you're OK. Sending lots of healing thoughts for you, especially over the next week or so!

I'm glad you're not seriously hurt and hope you have a quick and full recovery. Sounds like it was really scary there for a while.
flyingcheesehead said:
I was in a major wreck on Tuesday night, complete with a free trip to the hospital strapped to a backboard (I hate those friggin' things... This was my second trip on one).
Wow, Kent, I'm so sorry to hear that! :( I'm glad you're OK.
I've been through one of those, and the are not fun. Glad to hear that you made it through, and I hope that you get better soon!!!!
Glad you're ok. My rule is; your truck is bigger than my truck so you will always have the right of way!
wesleyj said:
I will say to you the same thing I always told my drivers, never under any circumstances leave your lane, let them kill themselves, let them damage their own property, if you leave your lane and damage your equipment or yourself, they will be long gone and you will be left to suffer the consequences and pay for the damage.


99.99999% of the time, that is EXACTLY what I do. I'm driving TerraGators and RoGators down the road that can literally squash most of the cars on the road today. I usually just keep my speed and let them do a nose-dive to stop and get back behind me. In this instance, the a-hole that was passing me was DETERMINED to get around me and was basically playing chicken with the oncoming car.

I see your point though. It's a catch-22 with the company I work for. If someone runs off the road b/c I didn't get over, I'm fired. I have more of a chance by putting the sprayer in the ditch and hoping the damage isn't so bad that I can weld it back myself. *sigh* Only about 6 more months at this company though!! :D

Hey Kent,

What were you doing in the left lane if the right lane was open???? Are you the guy I yell at all the time? :rofl:

Joer50 said:
Glad you're ok. My rule is; your truck is bigger than my truck so you will always have the right of way!

Law of Gross Tonnage. Works for boats, too.
gibbons said:
Hey Kent,

What were you doing in the left lane if the right lane was open???? Are you the guy I yell at all the time? :rofl:

I think there are three lanes. We all know the far left lane is reserved for 80 year old guys like that one going 50.
Kent, I'm VERY glad you came through (relatively) unscathed, and that no one else was killed, either. I'd hate to think that only three days after having met you I wouldn't have the pleasure of doing so again!
wesleyj said:

...Until you swap paint. Then you have proof.

There wasn't any decision making on this one. I inhaled to yell "watch it" and began lifting my arm towards the trailer brake (my only semblance of control from the right seat) and didn't come close to completing either before we were out of control.
gibbons said:
What were you doing in the left lane if the right lane was open???? Are you the guy I yell at all the time? :rofl:

Heh... Actually, middle lane. So, you can still pass on the left.

Ever wonder why trucks are always running in the middle lane when there's three? Because when we are in the right lane and someone comes down an entrance ramp, and we try to be courteous and move over, we signal and the cars never move over. So you either cut the guy off in the middle lane, or you get in the way of the car coming down the ramp. Ya can't win. :dunno:

I've given up on doing anything but changing lanes for people on the on-ramps. I used to try to slow down, but so many people freak out when they see a truck in the mirror (Yeah, I'm right here, but I slowed down for ya... Take the lane, and GO!!!) that they slow down too and then it's a competition to see who can get stopped first. :rolleyes: Then, the truck is in a traffic lane going very slow and becomes a hazard.