What @azure is hinting at is that possessing a BasicMed certificate could be simpler for you in the long run should your symptoms be chronic.
Special Issuances for Third, Second, and First class medicals come with instructions on how frequently you must submit an updated status from your treating physician. For some SI's, this isn't too difficult or expensive. But for others, the testing required is expensive, and your health insurance may not cover the cost of the frequent testing.
For your Gastro Troubles, if a Special Issuance is required, you may be told to provide an update as frequently as every 12 months. Which means a doctors visit and having him write a status letter on your current state.
Under BasicMed, you are responsible for self certifying that your condition is under control and won't affect your performance as Pilot in Command. aka, you don't need to frequently submit items to the FAA.