Does it make any sense to you to spend billions of bucks getting it out of the ground when we could grow all we need, put people back to work in a new industry, renew the O2 we need, use the excess Cos we have too much of ?
We need a new homestead act, giving 10-20 ac of government owned land to any one who will grow algae for fuel. Combined with a guaranteed loan for start up cost for those who would start a algae farming business, which doesn't use farmland that is already in use to produce food.
In the last 200 years we the people have cut most of the earths O2 supplying forests and have over produced the CO's the earth can tolerate. This program would reverse this process, and provide the US with a export to balance the trade deficit, and a new tax sourse to balance the budget.
There is no down side to this, yet the congress can't get the idea because too many congress critters are on the oil companies pay rolls.
Vertical grow bio-reactors are our way out of this.