Rebel Lord
Line Up and Wait
I so I'm signing up to be a AOPA member but I'm already a EAA member. Can a slave have two masters?
I so I'm signing up to be a AOPA member but I'm already a EAA member. Can a slave have two masters?
Yes, I don't bother with EAA.Is having bother EAA and AOPA memberships redundant?
I thought of another totally different reason. I can wear my EAA hat when I want to look like a real airplane guy and my AOPA Hat (one of the dozen or so they have sent me over the years) to impress women who think I must be rich and cool to be an airplane owner and pilot. Actually, it works more often than not.
looks like EAA is $10 off for a limited time:
Thanks for that. Went and renewed.
Is it good for renewal as well as new membership? The link looked like just new when I scanned it.