Brian Austin
The reason I haven't done it yet isn't that I can't, it's that it's WORK. For something as stupid as a custom ringtone, I'm not going to waste 5 minutes for each person in my address book who I want to have a custom tone for. So, despite the fact that I really wanted this feature when I was phone-shopping, I don't use it. "Inaccessible?" Not exactly. But, it's not nearly as easy as it SHOULD be.
Not really much issue here. In My Documents, there is a folder called [PDA Name]_PDA My Documents. Everything in there gets sync'd to the PDA, automatically. I store ringtones in a subfolder in there so I don't have to manually move them.
Then it's just a matter of look up contact, edit contact, scroll to "ringtone" and pick it from a dropdown list.
Oh...and it can be ANY playable file on a Pocket PC.
I just checked Outlook 2007's (yes, I already switched at the office) options but it isn't available on there...yet. It wouldn't surprise me to see it added in the future for automatic sync.
My point is that you've limited yourself on the possibilities by automatically dismissing anything that doesn't say "Apple" from comparable features. Is it going to be exact? Probably not. And you're just speculating ANYWAY since no one has seen an iPhone up close and no details have been released by Apple.
The irony is that the same ironfisted control of the OS and distribution that Mac-addicts complained about with Microsoft is practiced regularly at Apple. Probably even MORE so with their crackdown on anyone saying "bad things" about them that others have blogged. And even more ironic is that more and more Apple bugs and security issues are being found...yet get little press or acknowledgement. Granted, most of them are proof of concept but it's still happening.
Open your eyes. Apple is growing up and is going to come under some serious scrutiny this year for a LOT of different aspects of their company. DRM, security, product diversification, etc., will all be watched very closely by Wall Street. The idea of a bunch of hippies working on the next greatest thing is gone. They're turning into their own version of the Borg. You just can't see it yet.